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USMLE CS Cases: Epidural Hematoma

Discussion in 'USMLE' started by Egyptian Doctor, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    History :
    HPI: 35 yo F c/o headache following a motor vehicle accident. Patient was driving at speed of 70 km/hr
    that his car slipped and struck a tree. His head hit the steering. Patient says he lost consciousness for
    2 minutes and then recovered. Patient has irritability/photophobia/phonophobia. Patient has skin
    abrasion at his right forehead. There is no bleeding from any other site of the body. There is no
    nausea/vomiting/fever. There is no numbness/weakness of tingling. There is no vision/hearing loss or
    slurred speech. Patient took last meal at 7 am. Patient was not wearing seat belt. Patient did not drink
    alcohol before driving.
    ROS: negative except as above.
    PMH/PSH/Allergies: None
    Medication: multivitamins
    F/H: mother has HTN and father has DM
    S/H: non smoker, non alcoholic, no recreational drug, sexually active with wife, works in bank.
    Physical Examination :
    Patient is in distress
    HEENT: no exudate, no erythema, no LAD/thyromegaly
    Neuro: Cranial nerves 2-12 intact. Motor: power 5/5 B/L, DTR normal B/L. Sensory: sensations are
    intact B/L in both the limbs. No dysmetria.
    Diagnosis 1 :
    epidural hematoma
    Diagnosis 2 :
    post concussion syndrome
    Diagnosis 3 :
    History Findings Physical Exam Findings
    1) Headache after a motor vehicle
    2) Loss of conciousness for 2 minutes
    followed by lucid interval.
    3) irritable/photophobia/phonophobia
    History Findings Physical Exam Findings
    1) Headache after a motor vehicle
    2) irritability
    Diagnostic Study/Studies - Labs
    1) CBC with differential
    2) BMP
    3) CT scan head
    4) MRI brain
    5) urine toxicology

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