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Want To Stop Hiccups? These Are The Eight Foolproof Ways!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ghada Ali youssef, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. Ghada Ali youssef

    Ghada Ali youssef Golden Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:

    1. Hold Your Breath
    The first step is to hold your breath. Here, you need to wait with a controlled breathing process and then take a deep breath. Keep holding it for 45 seconds till a minute so that the time for the next hiccup is passed away. This is the basic idea behind this concept as the time for the next hiccup passes quite comfortably. As the ensuing carbon dioxide starts building up in the lungs, it relaxes the diaphragm while stopping the hiccuping process instantly. Meanwhile if hiccuping continues even after all these trials, try the process of swallowing a few times as you continue holding your breath.

    2. Drink Water
    The next step is to sip or gargle water many times to ensure that your oesophagus does some exercising work. The hiccups stop immediately as tension is released in the esophagus. If it still fails to work, try gargling with cold water for 30 seconds. Even now if it doesn’t stop, try yet another method.

    3. Lemon and Bitters
    There are many bartenders who suggest having a lemon with a bitter coating on it. Once you start biting it, your hiccups will be controlled instantly.

    4. Chew Dill
    There is yet another method to stop hiccups. It is by consuming Dill seeds which you just need to chew. They help in activating the vagus nerve in the diaphragm which can help in stopping the hiccups instantly.

    5. Stick Out or Pull on your Tongue
    This might sound a bit weird but yet it’s true that it works! As it may appear embarrassing,it should be practised at home.Try sticking your tongue or try pulling on it. The glottis which is the opening between the vocal chordsgets stimulated and it relaxes and reduces the spasm which cause hiccups.

    6. Plug your Ears
    Here, you should try sticking your fingers in your ears for a 30-second stretch. With this process, the vagus nerve gets relaxed, which helps in calming down the hiccups.

    7. Peanut Butter
    This is the method which is most liked by kids. They might try to feign it to get this remedy done. Get a spoonful of peanut butter the moment you start hiccupping. Now the motion of chewing and tongue movement helps in swallowing thereby changing the breathing motion of diaphragm. Hence the hiccups stop.

    8. Paper Bag
    try breathing into a paper bag. Here you need to breathe in and out quite fast. The paper bag technique works on the principle of breath holding technique. However,r you should stop immediately if you start feeling lightheaded or dizzy. These are the sure shot remedies which will stop hiccups.



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  2. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:
    methods 1 and 2 work well with me :D

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