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WATCH: Nina Pham, the first U.S. nurse diagnosed with Ebola, speaks from her hospital bed

Discussion in 'Nursing' started by Egyptian Doctor, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

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    As a nursing community, we’ve all had Nina Pham, the U.S. nurse who contracted Ebola from patient Thomas Eric Duncan, in our thoughts and hearts. Now, as she continues to fight the virus, her hospital has released an emotional video of Pham that we knew you’d want to see.

    In the video, the 26-year-old patient and her treating physician, Dr. Gary Weinstein, exchange a few words before Pham’s transfer from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas to an isolation unit at the National Institutes of Health’s clinical center.

    Pham also released a statement thanking her coworkers, friends and family:

    “I’m so thankful for the outpouring of love and support from friends and family, my coworkers and complete strangers. I feel very blessed, and have gained strength from their support. I appreciate everything that my coworkers have done to care for me at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. I’m doing really well thanks to this team, which is the best in the world. I believe in my talented coworkers. I am #presbyproud!”



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