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What Are 10 Types Of Patients From A Doctor’s Point Of View?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jan 15, 2020.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    This question was originally posted on and was answered by Amy Chai, MD, Internal Medicine, MS Epidemiology


    1-The model patient. These patients are informed about their health. They keeps records of their health, show up on time, ask appropriate questions, and follow instructions. They exercise. They don’t smoke. You are relieved to see them on your schedule.

    2-The worried well patient. This patient is healthy, but goes to the doctor frequently for things that might be considered unnecessary. This patient hears about everything on the internet and starts to worry obsessively about it. This patient might be hard to convince that they are healthy and do not need more tests.

    3-The naturopath negotiator: This patient is interested in naturopathic therapies and whatever is popular at the moment. Sometimes this patient wants you to work miracles without using any of the tools at your disposal. For example, they might want you to cure their symptoms, but without using any medications (no toxins) or medical imaging (no xray testing). You have to barter with them to get them to agree to anything that isn’t essential oils. They don’t want a flu shot, so don’t bother asking.

    4-The reluctant and recalcitrant: This patient is forced to see you by his significant other. He lets you know that he is forced to see you. Then he tells you that he is “allergic to needles.” When you tell him that he has diabetes or high blood pressure, he thinks you are lying and does not want to take any medications or change his lifestyle. His significant other calls you and asks if you can “make him” change. You can’t.

    5-The virgin patient: This patient informs you that they have never had a physical, a colonoscopy, or a mammogram in their entire life. They are 65 years old. They don’t go to doctors. You nervously order a battery of tests, knowing that this might be your only shot to diagnose anything that might be wrong with this patient.

    6-The elusive patient: This patient never answers their phone. They never get the tests that you order. If by some miracle they DO get a test that you order, it is shockingly, dangerously abnormal. Then you call them urgently to tell them they have a life threatening abnormality. They don’t answer their phone. You send the police to notify them that they really need to get follow up. They don’t show.

    7-The old veteran: This old guy is full of crusty old jokes, beer, and cigarettes. He is jolly and likeable, and you can’t believe how he is still walking around given all of his chronic medical conditions. You hope he continues to defy the odds but secretly you feel nervous waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    8-The healthy young patient: You are so happy to get a healthy young patient coming in for a physical. You are almost gleeful when you tell them “see you next year.”

    9-The manipulative, narcissistic patient: These patients can play “good cop,” “bad cop” all by themselves. They call in and demand instant service from all the office staff, and berate them if they do not suit. Or, they will use flattery on them to appeal to them. Then they will be unhappy with every therapy that the doctor tries to use. Then they threaten to find another practice.

    10-The train wreck patient: This patient has lots of medical problems, and no social support system. You just don’t know where to start. Every test is abnormal. There will be many phone calls, much extra work.

    Yes, there are many other types of patients. But these are common to all practices.


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