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What are the Pros and Cons of Dating a Female Doctor?

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

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    Female doctors reportedly have a hard time on dating sites. There are some obvious pros and cons of a relationship with a professional lady, who is a surgeon or physician.


    Female doctors are apparently having a hard time in dating. Think of the movie No Strings Attached, where Natalie Portman played a female doctor who had no time for relationships because of the tight schedule of a medical resident. It is not too far removed from the reality.

    So, what are pros and cons of dating a female doctor?

    Pros and Cons of Dating Doctors

    Thinking about a potential relationship with a physician or surgeon, it seems that guys have it all in the bag, while girls complain of trouble finding partners. Why this is happening?


    Let’s start with benefits. There are plenty of good things that could be said about dating professionals of medicine.

    1. They are smart.

    To be able to get into a medical school takes a lot of effort during the school years. Girls need a decent score to get a place. If a lady is a medical specialist, this means she has way above average intelligence.

    2. They are hard working.

    During the long years of studying and then residency, it’s work, work, and more work. It’s rather a positive quality in a girlfriend or wife.

    3. Female doctors are resilient.

    If she managed to complete her studies and then pass the years of residency, and now works as a surgeon, she is extremely purposeful. She can reach any goal.

    4. They are team players.

    There is a lot of cooperation involved in saving a patient’s life or helping them return back to health. A surgeon cannot do it on her own but has to work together with other specialists.

    5. They are good communicators.

    Medical professionals learn communication as a part of their studies. They potentially need to be ready to handle extremely upsetting news to patients. They also need to collect a lot of information for the correct diagnosis. When your girlfriend is doctor, you can be sure that she is able to communicate what needs to be said.

    6. She can save your life.

    Quite literally, if you are dating a doctor, she is able to handle a medical emergency in case you have one.

    7. They earn a lot of money.

    Certainly, it’s not why you would want to date a medical professional. But this is a good thing, nevertheless.


    At the same time, there must be some things that prevent female medical doctors from being just as successful in finding love as they are in studies and work. For example, ladies even have to list different occupations on dating sites to meet men, according to some reports. One girl said she posts profiles as a flight attendant, which explains her hectic schedule, and also makes her more popular among guys. So, what are the known downsides that make ladies do that?

    1. They are extremely busy.

    Like the personage of Natalie Portman, female docs may have little time for private life. They are on call constantly. If you are dating an obstetrician, for example, babies tend to be born at some opportunistic times of day or night, including holidays and weekends.

    2. Lives of their patients are their first priority.

    She may love you but if it’s about a “life or death” situation, your dinner together is not going to be her priority. Not everyone is happy to feel like the second fiddle.

    3. They earn a lot of money.

    While it’s a good thing, she probably would like to be with someone of an equal financial standing. This limits female doctor’s dating pool. This is also why she may not think you have a potential for a common future, even if you are in a relationship. Although many female doctors say they don’t care how much their partners earn.

    Should you date a lady doctor?

    In general, the benefits of being in a relationship with a professional medical specialist seem to outweigh the shortcomings. If you can handle it, a lady physician could be an amazing life partner.

    Besides, not in all countries people working in the medical field earn a lot. For example, in Russia doctors have to work 1.5 shifts (60 hours weekly) to simply earn an average salary for the country. This happens because medicine is free and professionals are paid by the government. Thus, if you are dating a Russian doctor, she is not going to be a top earner in her country, quite the opposite. This changes women’s outlook and they are more laid-back about who they will or won’t date.

    All in all, just like in dating any professional, there are pros and cons. If you are wondering how it feels to be in love with a physician or surgeon, why not try to meet one and see for yourself?


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    Last edited: Jul 28, 2019

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