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What Doctors And Other Healthcare Professionals Should Never (Ever!) Wear

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by dr.omarislam, Oct 13, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    We hate to admit it, because we personally feel that clothes shouldn’tmatter. In a perfect world, a person would be judged at their workplace based solely on the caliber of their work. Unfortunately, that’s not how the world works.

    How you choose to dress each morning reflects how you feel about your job – that you take your position seriously, that you are ready to work and that you pay attention to detail and know what you expect to encounter that day. You wouldn’t go to a construction site in your favorite four-inch stilletos, right? Of course not, you’d go in a hard hat, because it’s appropriate for the situation. Appearances matter!

    Of course, your work wardrobe is significantly limited when you work in the healthcare industry, especially if you have a clinical job. Healthcare administrators may be able to show off their personality with their clothes, but doctors, nurses, and medical assistants are destined to live out their work days in lab coats and scrubs.

    Never fear. Even if your choices are limited, you have options. And with options come choices: The good. The bad. And the (very!) ugly. You might think you can roll out of bed and throw on any old outfit because you’ll be around sick children all day, or in surgery for four hours, or running tests in a lab. Your patients (and your colleagues!) are watching, though. And, like we said, first impressions do matter.

    Regardless of the excuses, there are some things that professionals should just never wear. Ever.

    We’ll show you what these things are, why they’re a terrible wardrobe choice and if you’re guilty of having one in your closet – or (gasp!) in your daily rotation – we’ll give you a much better alternative.



    Why not?

    Uggs are just glorified slippers. And what are slippers? They are part of your pajamas. And do healthcare professionals wear pajamas to work? No, they do not. No matter how cold it is outside, or how sick or hungover you feel, don’t come traipsing into the hospital wearing Uggs. And don’t even think about showing them off by tucking your jeans into them – or worse – pairing them with a (denim) mini skirt. You’re a professional.

    Try me instead:

    Want boots? Give leather boots a go. They don’t even have to be heeled. Not only are flat boots much more comfortable, but they’re in style and classic – so they’ll last you more than one fashion cycle – and they transcend seasons: Wear them with tights or bare legs, with dresses, skirts or with pants!

    The Exception

    Sheep farmers.



    Fanny Packs


    Why not?

    The fanny pack went out of style way back in the 80s, taking side ponytails and neon brights along with them. Sporting a fanny pack in a professional environment shows you have no idea what’s in fashion – whether you consider yourself style savvy or not – while also giving your look a big case of the casuals. You’re not on vacation in 1983, so lose that vinyl fanny pack! Besides, how many things do you need to carry with you while you’re treating patients or taking x-rays?

    Try me instead:

    Just about any handbag, clutch, satchel, tote, even a briefcase, will do the exact same thing as a fanny pack: Hold your essentials.

    The Exception
    If you’re Hulk Hogan and your muscles make it impossible to put anything over your shoulder, this look is appropriate. Otherwise, never.





    Why not?

    Because scrunchies went out of fashion at the same time fanny packs did. Wearing one only emphasizes your need for a makeover, not a raise. Bows, or ribbons tied into bows, also fall into this particular don’t. Ribbons in your hair are appropriate for the seventh grade cheerleading squad and other teenage displays of team unity. Not. Professional.

    Try me instead:
    There’s nothing a scrunchie can do that an ouchless hair elastic band can’t. Other options for pulling your hair back? Bobby pins, clips, headbands, hair scarves…

    The Exception



    Sweatshirts and Sweatpants


    Why not?

    Save your sweats for the gym, for a night spent vegging on the couch or for sleeping. They don’t want to go work, so please don’t bring them in! Plainly put: Sweatpants and sweatshirts are much too casual to be professional, and they scream, “I’m lazy! Please fire me!” Even people who work at fitness centers don’t wear sweats to work, so you shouldn’t either. Besides, if you’re like a majority of healthcare professionals, you’re already wearing something baggy: Scrubs.

    Try me instead:

    Dying to be as comfortable as possible? Try a worn-in pair of cotton chino slacks with a simple, but still classy, white fitted tee. Need something to keep you warm on top? A monotone cotton or cashmere cardigan will feel great and look good.


    Footless Leggings and Spandex/Yoga Pants


    Why not?

    Leggings and spandex pants are in the perfect shape for your next yoga or Pilates class, not for greeting patients in the front office or scheduling appointments. No one can see what you’re wearing over the phone, but that’s our point: They’re never appropriate at a healthcare facility, not as a layer under a skirt and especially not worn alone as pants.

    What’s worse? Extremely bold-hued leggings, leggings with zipped hems or the worst — a combination of the two.

    Try me instead:

    Tights – both opaque and sheer – are perfectly acceptable for the office and provide the same coverage as leggings but with a polished look.

    The Exception
    Acrobats, professional wrestlers



    Leather Pants


    Why not?

    Leather pants are perfectly career-appropriate if you’re auditioning for Rock of Love, and that’s about it. It should go without saying (but we’ll still say it) that you should never go to work dressed like you’re about to do some tequila shots with the band unless your job somehow involves doing tequila shots with the band.

    Try me instead:

    If you’re looking for a little edge in your work wardrobe, try a perfectly severe black blazer, skinny black pants, or a purse with a serious amount of hardware.

    The Exception
    The cast of Rock of Love, outlaw bikers.



    Face Tattoos


    Why not?

    Just don’t.

    Try me instead:

    A non-tattooed face.

    The Exception

    Mike Tyson


    Velour/Juicy Tracksuits


    Why not?

    They may seem like they’re fancy, but a big price tag does not a sophisticated garment make. Velour, sadly, is just not a workplace-approved fabric. Doesn’t it just scream out “a trip to the mall” to you? Well, that’s what it’s saying to your coworkers and, more importantly, your patients. This goes double for embellished tracksuits.

    Try me instead:

    Like our advice for people who want to wear their sweatpants, here we’re going to suggest your comfiest khakis or softest cotton skirt. On top, a fluffy and oh-so-soft sweater can keep you just as happy as a hoodie.

    The Exception

    Juicy Couture saleswomen



    Message Tees


    Why not?

    It may be cute or funny or so totally true to you, but you never know how other people are going to react. You might be an Italian Princess or The World’s Greatest Mom, but those honorable titles are best kept for your weekend wear. Even if you’re just going to put on scrubs or a white coat over your message tee, you still have to walk through the halls wearing it (at least until you get to your locker or the resident lounge)! Patients and colleagues are supposed to trust your opinion. How much would you trust someone wearing an “I’m with Stupid” vintage tee?

    Try me instead:

    Wearing a plain t-shirt and saving your little jokes, observations and rants for email or IM. Keep it clean!

    The Exception
    Smirnoff girl


    Showing Too Much Skin


    Why not?

    You can bring your midriff to work, just don’t show it. You should be covered from just below the collar bone to just above the knee … give or take a few inches, depending on your job, industry and work culture. And it goes without saying that nobody should see your underwear. Regardless of your body type, too tight is too trashy for the office. Work is not the place to be showing off your stellar abs or your signs of cellulite. Think showing off your killer bod will help you nab McDreamy? Think again. And also think about how your patients see you.

    Try me instead:

    No matter what, you’ll always look better in clothes that really fit. And think of how alluring you’ll feel after hours if you save your revealing looks for then!

    The Exception


    Heavy – or no – makeup


    Why not?

    We hate to say it, but it is a fact that women who wear makeup in business generally get better jobs, get promoted more quickly and get paid more. Whether we like it or not, we live in a very visual world and we get judged on appearances. In fact, in a survey, 64% of directors said that women who wore make-up look more professional and 18% of directors said that women who do not wear make-up “look like they can’t be bothered to make an effort.” (Times Online UK)

    Overall, remember the way that you dress is the packaging of your personal brand; whether you like it or not, you will be judged on your appearance.

    Try me instead:

    If you really hate the idea of makeup, try using just one product, especially lipstick. Lipstick can make a big impact and give the appearance that you’re wearing more. Just make sure you bring a trusted friend or enlist the help of a makeup counter expert before picking a shade if you don’t have much experience.

    If you have more than 10 items in your daily beauty regimen, you should probably pare down. Try out using only mascara, powder or a light foundation, and blush. You’ll be surprised at the results!

    The Exception

    Clowns, nuns



    What You Wore Yesterday


    Why not?

    Wearing the same thing the next day says a little too much about your personal life and might make people wonder exactly why you didn’t make it home last night, A fight? A one night stand? An affair? Gossip will fly. You’ll look anything but refreshed and ready to take on the day. It makes you look tired, exhausted and begging to go home. Don’t make anyone question your preparedness or qualifications (or morals!), especiallyin this economy. Sure, sure. You not have a choice – blue scrubs may be mandatory for all nurses, but that doesn’t mean you have to show up to work in last night’s get-up.

    Try me instead:

    If you can’t make it home, don’t come to work the next day wearing exactly the same thing you wore the day before. Either stop at a nearby store and buy something new to wear (even if it’s just a shirt) or ask a confidante at the office to lend you something.

    The Exception
    Sports team mascots





    Why not?

    There is a right way and a wrong way, to wear sequins. As a small adornment on a solid-colored blouse with clean lines (i.e. not much else going on), sequins can be an appropriate accessory. But much more than that can lead you to straight into fashion victim territory. Wearing sequins can make you feel like a star – but overdoing it at work can make you look cheap, out of touch and, at worst, unprofessional. Let your hard work and intelligence shine more than your clothes! You might be thinking “When would a healthcare professional ever wear sequins?!” But trust us. We’ve seen it.

    Rule of thumb: Never wear more sequins in one outfit than can fit onto half a standard piece of paper (8.5” x 11”). Try not to wear more sequins than fit onto a postcard.

    Try me instead:
    Let your accessories do the talking. Wear your bling on a watch, earrings or statement necklace instead of on your shirt.

    The Exception
    Lounge singers, Elvis impersonators



    Flip-flop Sandals


    Why not?

    Flip-flops are perfectly acceptable for the beach, hanging out at the park, walking your dog… all being weekend activities that require weekend attire. Not the office, unless your office is a beach (if it is, we’re sooooo jealous!). Think about it from the other person’s perspective: Do you really want to see your coworkers’ toes? We didn’t think so. What’s more, flip-flops simply aren’t safe. No healthcare employer in the world would let you walk into the facility, ready to work in flip flops, so don’t even consider it.

    Try me instead:

    As a healthcare professional, you need safe, comfortable shoes, so sacrifice style for substance just this once. For men, casual loafers will never let your feet be as free as they once were, but it’s time to let go of your college look. Try boat shoes in a neutral color – they look dressy, but are extremely comfortable.

    The Exception



    Piling on the Jewelry


    Why not?

    Keep it simple. Keep it simple. Keep it simple. Many employers won’t allow healthcare professionals to wear anything but a wedding band. Jewelry, especially rings and bracelets, can pick up bacteria and easily transfer it to another patient.

    Try me instead:

    Leave your Titanic-sized engagement ring at home and sick with simple studs if you must wear earrings.

    The Exception

    Fortune tellers



    Sports Jerseys


    Why not?

    When March madness is in full swing, it may be tempting to live in your favorite team’s jersey and paint your face. However, we all know the boss is going to be more interested in how much time you’re spending online checking the scores instead of doing your job, so do yourself a favor and leave the jersey at home.

    Try me instead:

    Get a pin with your team’s logo to wear on your lapel, or coordinate your shirt and tie with your team’s colors. Or just save the superfan action for after work.

    The Exception
    Kobe Bryant, LeBron James (People who are actually paid to play sports)





    Why not?

    Baseball caps, beanies, berets, newsboy caps – all great fashion statements, but not at the office. Unless you work outdoors and need to shield your face from the sun or stay warm, hats are going to give the impression that you’re shifty and untrustworthy because you’re hiding your eyes and face.

    Try me instead:

    Hats usually are worn to cover up a bad hair day. There’s a miracle product called dry shampoo; you spray it in and it looks like you showered. Look into it!

    The Exception

    Baseball players, cowboys, newsies.



    Long Fingernails


    Why not?

    Although some may like their nails long, there is definitely a limit to how far you can go in a professional environment. Nails should never impede your ability to accomplish tasks and really should never be so long that dirt can collect underneath them – making them ultra-unsafe for anyone working with ill patients. Keep ’em short and sweet.

    Try me instead:
    A manicure (for men, especially!) at home, if you’re on a tight budget.

    The Exception

    Guinness Book of World Record Holders



    Wallet Chain


    Why not?

    Wallet chains work on middle-school miscreants defacing school property. Is that how you want to look at work? dditionally, wallet chains can be noisy and distracting when you sit, stand, walk or just move in general, and they make it seem like you’re too scatterbrained to hold on to your most valued possession.

    Try me instead:

    If you can’t hang on to your wallet no matter how hard you try, you should be putting it in a zippered pants or jacket pocket.

    The Exception

    Tony Hawk





    Why not?

    Besides the fact that glitter gets everywhere, it has all the same problems as sequins but with twice the mess. You may be a shining star, but glitter doesn’t emphazise that, no matter what your 13-year-old niece tells you.

    Try me instead:

    A shimmery eyeshadow in a complementary color will bring that dazzle you’re looking for — without the mess.

    The Exception

    Mariah Carey


    Sunglasses Inside


    Why not?

    We know all the cool kids are doing it, but that doesn’t make it okay. You may be trying to show everyone how hip you are, but what you’re really doing is making them wonder how bad your hangover is.

    Try me instead:

    If you do have a hangover, a little preparation goes a long way. Take some aspirin, drink some coffee and make sure you shower before work. Sunglasses aren’t going to hide your shame.

    The Exception
    Poker players



    Short Shorts


    Why not?

    To be fair, this is another one of those trends that can be stylish at the office if worn the correct way. Shorts that reveal most or all of your thighs is definitely the wrong way.

    Try me instead:

    Look for something called a “city short.” They fall just below the knee and when paired with a smart blazer and heels, can transition easily from the boardroom to the beach.

    The Exception

    Hooters Girls



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    Last edited: Oct 14, 2017

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