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What Is It Like For A Non-Doctor To Marry A Doctor?

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Practicing medicine in:

    The Upside:

    1. No threat or ego issues: Ever saw your friends resenting their spouses who are in the same line of work, and have become more successful? Here, I know that eventually doctors tend to earn more, and hence am fully prepared for it mentally. There is no scope of jealousy or resentment, and we both can be as successful as we can without hurting each other's feelings. Further, we both get equal opportunities to appear more intelligent in front of each other.

    2. Interesting conversations: She tells me about the curious cases that come to her, I tell her about the new marketing campaign I am working on. We exchange work talk, not really expecting expert opinions, but interesting ones nevertheless.
    3. Network: I know I can count on a dentist, a pediatrician, a surgeon and many others whenever I need them because of her. She knows who to call if her computer crashes or she needs life hacks or she needs to find good pubs around :p . Also, typically medical students are too engrossed in their studies to really get to know outside life, so my circle of friends prove to be a good break from that for her . :p
    4. Understanding: She understands when I get really busy, or not able to take her call, or get to work at wee hours, cause that's what she expects from me.
    5. Min level of intelligence expected: Think about it. Doctors are anyway intelligent. Intelligent enough not to fall in love with idiots. Hence both parties get the benefit of no-stupidity-no-frustration factor.

    The Downside:

    1. Patience: Chances are, your doctor spouse was standing non-stop 6 hours assisting surgeries, hasn't had anything since morning and has slept only 6 hours in last 48 hours. In such cases in whatever you speak or breathe, please tread carefully, very carefully. Be patient and considerate, and remember, 'This too shall pass'.
    2. Doctor Ego: Fact is, doctors had to study more and grill themselves for longer hours doing harder work than any engineer will ever do. This might lead them to think that doctors are better than engineers or anyone else. Again, a delicate topic to stir up.
    3. Family awkwardness: You might end up feeling a bit ignored in case your family members get more interested in discussing their minute health issues to get free consultation than pampering you like you were used to. I, however, enjoy the peace. Then there is also the pressure of standing up to the expectation of 'how can a doctor and non-doctor work it out together?'
    4. The doctor vs the spouse: Often when you will hold her hand, she will suddenly observe some weirdness in the bone structure of your hand and start cautioning you against medical conditions you have never heard that affect body parts you never knew existed.

    Bottom Line:

    Be Understanding, Kill the ego, understand that your backgrounds are different and you both will never ever understand each other's career completely. Enjoy the diversity, and make what time you get together count.



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