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What Is The Ideal Age To Get Pregnant?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Egyptian Doctor, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    The age of motherhood has been delayed in recent years due to a variety of reasons, including the lack of job and economic stability. In many countries the average age of first-time mothers is above 30 years. Experts consider that it is not the most suitable age from a physiological point of view. The best age to be a mother (in biological terms) is 25 years.

    Between 20 and 30 years old, women have the most favorable conditions to conceive, beget and give birth to a child.

    The ovules, like the rest of the cells in the body, also age, making the chances of getting pregnant decrease with age. A woman in her 20s who is trying to get pregnant in her fertile days has a 25% chance of getting it, starting at age 30 she has 15%, from 35 the possibilities decrease to 8%, while that from the age of 38, there is only a 3% chance.

    Apart from the difficulty to conceive, the years also weigh on pregnancy. After age 35, there are greater risks in pregnancy and childbirth. Increase the chances of complications during pregnancy, risk of miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities in the baby.

    From the age of 40, gestation generates a greater overload in organs such as the pancreas, liver and cardiovascular system. Increasing the possibility of suffering diseases that affect pregnancy such as gestational diabetes and hypertension.

    In today's society, many couples delay the time to start a family. The factors are many: lack of job and economic stability, problems with the reconciliation between work and personal life, want more time to travel and enjoy as a couple. While doctors remind us that fertility, especially female fertility, decreases year after year, other people argue that having children past thirty is better for their education, because parents are more mature and have clearer ideas.

    30 years

    It is the age limit to have children without any type of risk, according to a study from the University of Edinburgh in which it was found that at this time the woman retains 12% of her ovarian reserve.

    32 years
    Age to conceive in case you want to have only one child, according to the Dutch study.

    34 years
    According to a study by the National Institute of Aging and Mental Health in the United Kingdom, this is the optimal age for having a baby, since women are more prepared to face the education of their children. "Studies suggest that premature motherhood interferes with the level of education and predisposes women to single parenthood, unemployment and poverty," explains Professor John Mirowsky, director of the aforementioned work.

    35 years
    If you want to form a family later, this is the time to freeze your eggs, according to a study conducted by the University Hospital Quirón-Dexeus of Barcelona. Doctors also warn that if you want to have children, you should not postpone much beyond this date.

    From this age the risk of alterations in the number of chromosomes of the embryo is progressively increasing. This makes it more likely to suffer spontaneous abortions and to have babies with Down syndrome and other chromosomal alterations.

    40 years
    It is generally accepted that female fertility has been reduced by half and that we only keep 3% of our ovarian reserve, according to the work of the University of Edinburgh, although in 2014 the Office of National Statistics of the United Kingdom showed that pregnancy rates in women over 40 have doubled in recent years, probably due to the advance in assisted reproduction methods, which are in constant evolution.


    This article has been written by FacMedicine team

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