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What Is The Role Of Intimacy And Sex In Your Overall Health?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by D. Sayed Morsy, Oct 25, 2020.

  1. D. Sayed Morsy

    D. Sayed Morsy Bronze Member

    Aug 11, 2020
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    When you think of the word “intimacy,” you may assume it means sexual relationships. But while one can boost the other, one doesn’t necessarily include the other. Intimacy on its own involves trust, acceptance, and an emotional connection with another person. Intimate partners care for one another and are unafraid to share thoughts, desires, and vulnerabilities.

    In addition to romantic partners, you can have intimate relationships with friends, family members, and other people in your life.

    Even without sex, intimacy can provide many physical and mental health benefits. “There has to be an evolutionary reason why people maintain paired bonding and intimacy when there is no sex involved. Indeed, we have found that there are biological advantages of being a dyad over an individual,” says Michael Krychman, MD, the executive director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health in Newport Beach.

    Does Intimacy Always Involve Sex? And What’s the Difference?

    The lines can get blurred at times, but you can have intimacy without sex and vice versa. “Intimacy is more of an emotional connection rather than a physical connection,” explains Dr. Krychman, who is a coauthor of The Sexual Spark. “As relationships increase in duration and [partners increase in] age, the sexual frequency may decline, but intimacy may increase.” But while sex and intimacy are different, they are interrelated, he adds. “They go hand in hand. Some partners need to feel loved and cared for to be [sexually] intimate, and some need to perform sexually to demonstrate that they love and care.”

    What Are the Different Types of Intimacy?

    It’s important to understand that there are four key forms of intimacy, says Krychman:

    • Physical, which means being in the same place at the same time and spending quality time together, like on a date night.
    • Emotional, which means sharing emotions and thoughts and connecting on a feeling level.
    • Sensual, which means physical touch and pleasure and other ways to physically connect that don’t involve intercourse, like hugging and kissing.
    • Sexual, which means intercourse or any other form of sex.
    Everyone is different, and we all desire these different forms of intimacy to varying degrees in our relationships, he says.

    The Health Benefits of Intimacy: Less Stress, Better Sex

    Intimacy, in all its forms, has a variety of health benefits for body and mind, experts say. These include:

    Intimacy Helps You Reduce Stress and Stay Healthy

    Chronic stress can cause a host of health complications, such as insomnia, muscle pain, high blood pressure, cardiac events, a weakened immune system, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease, among others. “When you are in a constant state of fight-or-flight, you use up a lot of necessary nutrients needed to maintain health. Intimacy helps reduce the stress and panic so that your body can replenish itself and maintain a good immune system,” says Barbara D. Bartlik, MD, a psychiatrist and sex therapist at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City.

    Intimacy Counters Loneliness and Reduces Risk of Mortality

    A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America linked social isolation with increased morbidity and mortality. Another study, this one conducted at the University of Chicago and published in the journal Social and Personality Psychology Compass in February 2014, found that in addition to higher mortality, loneliness “can also impair executive functioning, sleep, and mental and physical well-being.”

    “If you feel complimented, loved, and appreciated, that all contributes to good health. If you feel alone, isolated, stressed, abused, or taken advantage of, that has a negative effect on your health,” explains Dr. Bartlik, who is a coauthor of Integrative Sexual Health.

    Intimacy Fuels a Better Sex Life

    While sex isn’t necessary to achieve intimacy, intimacy can often lead to a better sex life, which in itself has health benefits. Your experience of sex will improve because you will be unafraid to express (and receive) what you desire, and willing and open to hear and care for your partner’s needs as well. The trust will allow both of you to grow and try new things that might enhance your relationship.

    The Health Benefits of Sexual Intimacy

    The act of having sex can lead to many positive changes in the body, such as boosting oxytocin (known as the “cuddle hormone”), says Krychman. A healthy sex life may also affect your immune system and blood pressure, lessen pain, and help you sleep better, he adds. In fact, orgasm alone can reduce blood pressure by releasing oxytocin, notes Bartlik. “It has a calming effect that can last a few days,” she explains. Sex is also a form of exercise, notes Krychman, which in itself has many health benefits.

    Intimacy Can Benefit Your Mental Health

    When you’re intimate with another person, you get a mental boost too. “Studies show that men who are deprived of intimacy get angry and women get depressed. Your hormone levels, especially oxytocin, actually change when you touch or are touched by someone, or share an intimate act such as decision-making,” says Krychman. “If you are connected in a loving relationship, you have more of the happy hormones (like dopamine),” he adds.

    Intimacy and Emotional Support Strengthen You

    If you are upset about something, you often feel comforted by discussing these issues with a close, empathetic companion or therapist. “When you feel supported, you can begin to overcome a certain amount of emotional pain and start the healing process,” says Krychman.

    Plus, emotional insensitivity can weaken you. “If you encounter a lack of empathy or humiliation from someone you trust, it can exacerbate your pain and retraumatize you. You may then withdraw or avoid intimate relationships, which can make depression or anxiety worse,” says Bartlik.

    Online Intimacy: Can You Cultivate Intimacy Virtually?

    While many feel that the explosion of online and smartphone technology has limited social intimacy, research shows the opposite. While the internet cannot simulate all aspects of intimate exchanges, there are many ways you can enact certain aspects of intimacy, says Anna M. Lomanowska, PhD, of the department of psychology at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, who has studied the phenomenon.

    “A basic definition of intimacy is the sharing of what is personal and private. From this perspective, actual face-to-face contact is not necessarily required to experience a sense of intimacy," Dr. Lomanowska says. "While we do know that human touch and other nonverbal cues play a very special role in promoting greater intimacy between individuals, individuals who know each other offline can also easily use the internet for intimate exchanges, which can reinforce their face-to-face contact.

    "We see this in the context of personal text messages we send to loved ones, where we have a particular way of expressing ourselves with certain individuals, [certain] phrases or emoticons only the other person fully understands. And of course it's easy to feel closer to others while keeping in touch via Skype or Facetime,” she says.

    But a healthy balance of face-to-face interactions alongside online interactions is important, adds Lomanowska. “In my opinion, the internet can be a great tool that can promote intimacy in relationships through various applications, but it certainly cannot replace all aspects of human intimacy,” she says.

    6 Steps to Achieving True Intimacy With Another Person

    According to Cheryl A. MacDonald, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist in San Diego and the author of Health Psychology for Everyday Life, there are several ways to build trust and achieve intimacy. These include:

    1. Be honest. Trust is the bedrock for all true intimacy.
    2. Strive for mutual and considerate communication. When your partner or friend speaks, be fully present, not doing grocery lists in your head (or on your phone). When you speak, use declarative sentences that describe your perspective rather than assign blame (“I feel … ,” not “You always … !”).
    3. Remember that intimacy takes time. It’s not something you can download an app for. You have to spend time together, slowly getting to know and feel comfortable with each other.
    4. Give each other room to breathe. Everyone needs alone time and space to process life. Don’t think if you aren’t together every second that something is wrong.
    5. Have fun together. Not every encounter has to be intensely meaningful or serious.
    6. Accept your partner, accept yourself. No one is perfect. You can’t get close to someone if you are negatively judging them or yourself.

    Is It Possible to Have Intimacy While Practicing Celibacy and Abstinence?

    You don’t have to be in an exclusive relationship to experience intimacy. “You can be intimate with your friends, or with multiple sexual partners,” says Krychman. If you are in a relationship but are uninterested in or unable to have sex, you can still reap the benefits of intimacy, he adds. “Sex is a physical act. Intimacy is emotional. For example, men who can’t get an erection after extensive cancer can be intimate both emotionally and physically,” he explains.

    Still Having Trouble Making or Strengthening Connections?

    It’s important to remember that there are different forms of intimacy, and people have different needs, says Krychman. For example, in a relationship, one partner may desire a more sexual relationship, while another may crave more emotional intimacy. “Everyone defines their own normal, and it’s very rare that people have the same needs,” says Krychman.

    If you feel like you need more intimacy in your relationship, start by talking to your partner about what might be missing, he advises. Then, consider seeing a psychotherapist or a sex therapist. Either one can help you understand the intimacy issues you may be experiencing individually or in your relationship. You can find licensed therapists in your area at American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) or the American Academy of Psychotherapists.


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