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What Specialties Harry Potter Characters Would Probably Pick

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    A particularly enjoyable aspect of medical school is thinking about the specialties all of your friends, and not friends, will pursue. The decisions one makes in these games come from horribly superficial personality judgments of the people around you, coupled with equally superficial stereotypes of specialties. Is it right? Maybe. Is it fun? Definitely. Recently I was watching a Harry Potter movie and thought, why not apply these talents to my favorite book series: Harry Potter. The following are the result.

    Dumbledore: Neurosurgeon


    Dumbledore would most definitely be a neurosurgeon. He is single, perpetually busy, knows everything and his life’s work is his work. Moreover, would it surprise anyone if Dumbledore had a little bit of a god complex? That being said, if you had a brain tumor that needed removing, and Dumbledore walked in being like, “Imma take that tumor out of your head” you would be like, “yup, let’s do this”.

    Voldemort: Plastic surgeon


    Voldemort is equally as intelligent and hard working as Dumbledore, but he would probably choose to be a plastic surgeon that specializes in breast implants, botox and face lifts, that he refuses to perform for more than three hours a day. He would be wildly successful too, as he would open up a private practice in L.A., destroy the competition (likely literally), and spend the majority of his days golfing, driving around like a jerk in a Porsche, and of course plotting to kill Harry Potter.

    Snape: Endocrinologist


    I assume Potions is to the wizard world what endocrinology is to the medical world. It’s that thing everyone should know more about, but eventually forgets the bulk of because it’s boring and requires meticulous attention to the various levels of things. Don’t get me wrong, it is important, but outside of anything related to Diabetes and/or the Polyjuice potion, people usually forget the majority of each. Thankfully there is Professor Snape, there to do it for us, so we don’t have to.

    Neville Longbottom: Pathologist


    Neville’s career of choice is to be a herbologist. In other words, he is not a fan of things that move, talk, and have emotions. Pathologist it is. I’m sure he would relish the comfortable solitude of looking through slides, dealing with things that are dead and fixed, and most of all, I’m sure he could look at a histology slide and actually know what the hell he is looking at.

    Luna Lovegood: Neurologist


    Luna Lovegood would most definitely be a Neurologist. She would enjoy getting lost thinking about the complexity and possibility that lie within the human mind, completely unbothered by the lack of legitimate treatment options for her patients. She would diagnose the areas affected by strokes with the best of them, and then, just kind of move on with her life because aside from rehabilitation, there is little more that can be done. Still, I could see her randomly understanding the mechanism for consciousness and blowing everyone’s minds.

    Hermione: Pediatric Specialty


    Hermoine would have the grades to be a dermatologist, but would want to have a greater impact on the lives of people. I’m assuming she would become something ridiculously specialized like intrauterine surgeon, or pediatric cardiovascular surgeon, and she would be absolutely fantastic. Another possibility is that she would fulfill a House-esque role in the hospital, where she is the one to call when nobody knows what is going on.

    Ron: Emergency Physician


    Ron is always in the fray but is usually not the guy to save the day. He is smart, capable, and definitely appreciated – but at the end of the day he needs help from others to finish the job (e.g. Harry). Moreover, he’s chill enough that he doesn’t care. Medicine is cool, but he would definitely want to have more time to hang out with Hermoine and his redheaded, frizzy-haired kids.

    Harry Potter: Trauma Surgeon


    Though Harry Potter frequently finds himself in situations that are life threatening, one doesn’t get through seven books of life-threatening situations without a clear penchant for danger. Harry needs to be where the action is at, so it’s abundantly clear that his calling would be trauma surgery. Not going to lie, I wouldn’t mind the chosen one working on my acute intestinal ischemia.


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