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What Time we Eat Affects Our Biological Clock, Study Finds

Discussion in 'Gastroenterology' started by dr.omarislam, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    The human body works around the clock. Our biological functions follow 24-hour cycles, or circadian rhythms, which are physiological and mental changes that are driven by our internal biological clocks. New research explains how we can reset one of these body clocks.

    Having meals at timed intervals could help to reset the body clock.

    Circadian rhythms are, in turn, governed by so-called master clocks in our brains. The "master clock" is, in fact, a group of intercommunicating nerve cells in the brain, located in an area known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).

    The SCN has approximately 20,000 neurons and can be found in the brain's hypothalamus, which is a larger brain area that controls body temperature, hunger, and thirst.

    New research looks at one of these body clocks and investigates the effect of delayed meal times on the body. Researchers from the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom set out to examine the effect of a 5-hour delay in meal times on the body's master clock, as well as on its several peripheral circadian rhythms.

    The first author of the study is Sophie M. T. Wehrens, of the University of Surrey's Faculty of Health and Medical Science.

    As Wehrens and colleagues explain, although we know that circadian rhythms, the human metabolism, eating patterns, and nutrition are all interconnected, the link between meal times and the circadian rhythm has not been sufficiently investigated.

    The new study is published in the journal Current Biology.

    Studying the effect of delayed meal times on the body's biological clocks

    Wehrens and team rounded up 10 healthy young men for their experiment, which lasted for 13 days. The participants were served three meals per day, separated by 5-hour intervals, which began either soon or late after waking up. Early meal intervals started half an hour after waking, while late ones began 5.5 hours after waking.

    Participants were first used, or "acclimated," to having the meals early, and they were then offset to a schedule of late meals for 6 days.

    All of the meals had the same nutritional content and the same number of calories.

    Wehrens and team measured the participants' circadian rhythms in a 37-hour "constant routine," which is a special research protocol that specifically enables the scientists to gauge a person's circadian rhythm. Usually, it involves continual bed rest under persistent illumination. In this case, the routine included dim lighting, equally spaced small snacks, reduced physical activity, and no sleep.

    Blood sugar levels, gene expression affected by delayed meal times

    Overall, the delay in meal time did not have any bearing on the participants' appetite or sleepiness. The brain's master clock was not affected either, as its biomarkers - for example, melatonin and cortisol rhythms, and gene expression - remained unchanged.

    However, what did change significantly were the participants' blood sugar levels. Late meal times delayed blood sugar rhythms by an average of 5 hours.


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