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Why Healthcare Professionals Should Choose Tea Over Coffee

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Ghada Ali youssef, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Ghada Ali youssef

    Ghada Ali youssef Golden Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Both coffee and tea have health benefits if drunk in moderation. Both contain caffeine, which help asthma by relaxing the lung’s airways as well as to constrict blood vessels in the brain, reducing migraines.

    Supposedly, since coffee has a higher caffeine content than tea, coffee drinkers should be more likely to harness the caffeine benefits. However, healthcare professionals are actually more likely to benefit from drinking tea instead of coffee, and here is why.

    Tea helps in stress reduction
    Any healthcare practitioner will know that the industry is a highly stressful and tiring one. Tea has been found to effectively reduce stress because of its chemical properties linked with stress recovery and helping the brain to be considerably more alert.

    Green tea, in particular, works as an antidepressant. Black tea has also been proven to reduce stress hormone levels. Being able to lower stress in turn decreases the possibility of burnout, a condition many nurses and doctors experience.

    Tea strengthens the immune system
    In a healthcare institution, where bacteria and contaminants are abundant, a boost to the immune system is always welcome. Research has revealed that tea improves the immune system to fend off bacteria, viruses, and infections, as well as distinct evidence that drinking tea enhances the human body’s disease fighting defences. Black tea was found to contain a substance that improves the immune system, which serves as the first line of defence against bacteria and anti-tumour activity.

    There are more antioxidants in tea than coffee
    The greater amount of antioxidants in tea means that it can better maintain health. Antioxidants are highly beneficial for the body as they prevent the oxidation of molecules, something that occurs in everyday life.

    Green tea and white tea both contain high levels of EGCG, a type of antioxidant that has been linked to a few health benefits. White tea has been found to prevent diseases such as cancer, stroke, and heart attack. It can also reduce diabetes and improve the skin’s youthfulness.

    Tea hydrates the body better
    Contrary to popular belief, tea is not dehydrating. Apart from being able to hydrate the body better than coffee, tea is also recommended for quenching thirst. Not only does it replenish fluids, it also provides antioxidants, which water does not have.

    Coffee will cause a fall in energy levels
    The caffeine high you experience from coffee lasts for a shorter amount of time and decreases faster. So while you may feel that you cannot get past your morning at work without a huge cup of coffee from Starbucks, the effects would only last till lunchtime.

    On the other hand, tea sustains energy levels for longer periods, which is beneficial for long tiring shifts. This means that it is healthier and keeps healthcare practitioners at higher energy levels throughout the day, which is especially useful during long and busy shifts. If you’re looking for something to last for the whole day, pick tea.

    Additionally, a study has found that caffeine in tea has a natural protein known as theanine, which will nullify the side effects of consuming too much caffeine such as fatigue, headaches, and increased blood pressure.



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