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Why I Decided To Quit Medicine In Today's Healthcare Climate

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Why did you quit medicine?

    Answer by Ramzi Amri, MD, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Med/Mass General Surgical Oncology, on Quora:

    The reasons I became a doctor can be split in to two parts: Why not medicine? and Why consulting?

    Why not medicine?

    I chose to study medicine for two main reasons: I am fascinated by the intricate complexities of the human body, both in health and disease; and because I was looking for a job that has a positive impact on people and society at large.

    Let me start on a positive note: I still believe that medicine is one of the most noble professions, and that the world needs doctors that are passionate about what they do. Part of why I actually quit medicine is because a large chunk of my passion was destroyed by disillusion.

    Now I do not want to sound overly dramatic, because I partly knew what I was getting into when I started medical school; however, it is the trend that I foresee for the future that made me eventually choose to quit. I think many people fail to realize how much the day-to-day job of a doctor has become pretty much that of an assembly line drone or paperwork monkey of sorts.

    The image of the generalist physician that sees a very wide range of patients and treats the whole patient, and whatever ails them, is long gone. The reality of physician work is long hours, which of course isn’t much different from consulting, but the truth is the romantic notion that most of this time is devoted to actually treating patients is false, and increasingly so.

    As more and more layers of rules, managers, insurers, protocols, division of labor and defensive medicine pervade and grow, required filings, checklists, reports and “don’t sue me” disclaimers grow like a cancer that cannibalizes on the job you actually have and want to do; less and less time is devoted to the actual patient.

    It pains me to a certain extent that I have to leave this profession that I have so much affection for, but my ideal when becoming a doctor was not that I would be confined to a five-minute discussion at best with the average patient, in which I had to diagnose the problem, start a treatment plan and keep in mind that I would have stay within very distinct lines of what I am allowed to prescribe or do. Oh and maybe, just maybe, I get a fraction of a second to get to know the person and actually care.

    In the search for what is deemed to be efficiency, healthcare is becoming a Fordist model. Nice words for this are often things like “protocol” or “clinical pathway,” a fancy way to say that the patient is on some sort of assembly line where they see a different person every step of the way, and preferably wherein every healthcare professional keeps repeating one trick until they retire. In the space of a few decades we’ve moved from the generalist that could do pretty much everything to specialists, then sub specialist, that soon became super specialists. By now the average surgeon for instance is pushed to focus their whole skill set on only a handful of procedures which they will repeat their whole career.

    For me personally, part of the misjudgment I made is probably due to the fact that I did not have anyone in my family who works in the medical profession to actually tell me about the things I experienced when I was practicing medicine for the first time as a student, and when I saw what the reality of healthcare was in Europe and America.

    The bottom line for me remains that I will not feel that I could achieve enough as very tiny cog in this gargantuan system.

    Why consulting?

    Obviously I’m just getting started, so I might be a little biased, but below are some of the factors that convinced me that consulting is the best way for me personally to grow and to actually make a difference.

    Most importantly, I feel that consulting gives you the opportunity to try everything and keep growing every step of the way. As a consultant at McKinsey, I will be more than a checklist monkey, and I will be given the opportunity tothink and matter.

    Consulting actually means that you use your collective brainpower as a team to solve problems. In fact, in that sense, consulting is a lot like medicine: someone comes up to you with a problem, they do not know what it is or how to solve it, they just know the symptoms. It is then up to your team to gather enough information about the situation at hand to accurately diagnose the underlying issue, then you have to synthesize the problem into something that makes sense and think of a solution that is both workable, effective and acceptable to the patient, or in this case, the client. At a firm like McKinsey no patient, i.e. no client, is the same. Every engagement is a dive into the unexpected and will challenge your thinking in very deep ways.

    Some people are very critical of consultants because they think that they sell hot air and rip people off by telling them what they want to hear or what they already know, in a nicely packaged way. Naysayers may say that consultants add no value except for a flashy powerpoint. I think those people should watch less House of Lies and actually walk a mile in the shoes of a consultant: As it almost always is, the truth isn’t that simple.

    The Firm is crazy expensive, yes, but that’s for reason: it gets results, and they are worth the money. In addition, anyone with a sense of business would know that a company wouldn’t survive and thrive for 90 years if their business model wasn’t based on delivering a sustainable product. Case in point, it is telling that McK gets by far most (~80%) of their business from existing clients. Why? Well because the average client gets their investment back tenfold. One of the more senior Directors at McKinsey estimates that this $8 billion company generates over $300 billion worth of value per year.

    Let me explain why I am talking about this while answering the question on why I quit medicine: I feel that medicine has degenerated so much that a healthcare practitioner is made to be constantly running behind the facts; most cannot actually make change happen since they do not have the tools, the time or the power to do so.

    Working for a firm like McKinsey feels like it I actually gives you this opportunity. Also, the opportunity to matter in the sector you want, and even take time (it’s actually the name of the program they have for this) to do something that you personally feel is important next to your job, is something would usually be heavily frowned upon if you were a resident. Here, it is encouraged.

    I will start as a true generalist, except not in medicine but in consulting. I do know that whatever specialty I will end up in, I can actually make the change for the best. Of course, my current feeling is that I will gravitate back to my healthcare expertise to impact that sector and create value in a way that I couldn’t as a doctor. And let’s be clear here: value creation isn’t just about money, value creation is also by creating opportunities to improve whatever you’re working on, on every level. As a consultant you get a chance to work on the meta level. I dearly missed that as a doctor because I haven’t had the time to do so nor was I given the opportunity. Now I will.


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