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Why The Medical Field Is Always An Attractive Career

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hadeel Abdelkariem, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. Hadeel Abdelkariem

    Hadeel Abdelkariem Golden Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    Practicing medicine in:

    A lot of people choose careers based on their skill level, a lot choose a job because of the money involved, and a lot of people combine these two factors and don’t settle for anything less.


    However, there’s the idea of having a career solely based on the opportunity to help people. That’s what makes the healthcare world so popular to go into and so demanding as a result.

    Yet there’s a few factors that make the medical field arguably the most attractive career, and it isn’t just helping people. So what makes people flock to practice medicine?

    We’re about to find out below.

    Plenty of different positions
    The amount of diverse careers means there’s something for literally everyone to fit into.

    Medicine has a lot of nooks and crannies to work your way into once you graduate from school, and you won’t get this amount of variety anywhere else.

    You can be in front or behind the camera so to speak, with research departments and hospital floors at either end of this spectrum.

    There’s so much variety, making it one of the biggest job sectors in the world.

    For example, you can always find out more about this by reading Why Earn A Masters Degree In Nursing Administration. It’s also another facet of the healthcare world that people can get to grips with that isn’t having to perform surgery yourself.

    Constantly get to work with people
    Human beings are social creatures, and as a result want to be surrounded by other people most of the time.

    Doctors, nurses, receptions, janitors and all their like are taught long-term life skills, such as patience and compassion, and how to get a lot of tasks done in a time limit because of it. If you’re an understanding person, medicine is a great career path to move into, as you’ll be able to fully exercise your skills.

    Performing medical care for patients, or using your skills to discover new treatments and save lives is the greatest reward in itself.

    A person in a medicine career can learn these people skills either from a course at school or on the job if they think they don’t need any training.

    Even if you’re naturally empathetic, this skill will be pushed to its limit. Healing with your own two hands in this way is an incredible feat to conquer, and you’ll be gratified about it every time.

    Prestige comes with the territory
    There’s no denying that the medical field is rife with award and recognition.

    Even though you aren’t in the most high paying position in the world, a lot more comes along with a wage packet. Of course there’s a lot of money to be made, but that’s just one slice of the medical pie.

    Global work is available for someone who works in the healthcare sector, and third world countries have plenty of volunteering opportunities for undergraduates and people just looking to help out.

    With thousands of patients per the one doctor for miles around, there’s a lot to be gained from working at this pace. Responsibility skills, better communication that isn’t just spoken or written, and plenty of patience.

    Patience is the main factor in deciding whether you’re up to a task or not when it comes down to it.

    Option to work as a team or lead yourself
    You’ll be surrounded by other professionals, and have a lot of say in what they do. Similarly, you’ll always be relying on one another.

    Getting used to the same people you’ll be sticking with for years to come, even when starting out at college, means you can perfect your teamwork skills.

    Collaboration and communication is key to working well whenever you’re not alone, so a person’s skills would be honed to the max.

    If a nurse or doctor eventually worked their way up enough to be used as a training tool, research students would look to them as a mentor. This makes this skill ten times more important, as it can be passed down through generations of doctors, and just by talking to each other.

    Practicing medicine isn’t going away
    If you choose to move into the medical field, you can guarantee a lot of stable work for a long time to come.

    People will always need you, hospitals will always need you, governments will always need you.

    So it truly pays to become a pharmacist, nurse, doctor, or administrator.

    There’s a lot of specialist areas to move into that lack the most workers in some parts of the world, like obstetrics and ppediatricians. This is just another example of how the medical field can help in the best way.

    Yet that can also seem like a downside to some. The constant demand means long hours, irregular schedules in which you could be woken up in the middle of the night, and ages on your feet at a time.

    It takes a lot of stamina to be able to keep up such a career. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it of course. A lot of medical practitioners take a pay cut as a result to stay healthy in the long term.

    Learn latin as a language
    A lot of medical terms come from their original latin root, and thus by studying medical research and literature, the ancient language can be learned in a simple form.

    A lot of people have an attraction to this specifically, despite its small nature, because of the mysticism and history behind what is now considered a ‘dead’ language.

    Otherwise, a lot of what can be studied is written in English, which is the 3rd most spoken language around the world. This can mean it’s pretty accessible to learn, especially in the Western world.

    Gain authority and social power
    Wearing a white lab coat symbolizes a sense of power. It also means people look to you in crises and trust what you have to say.

    Plenty of psychological studies have found proof to back this up, so it isn’t just a social conscience idea.

    Doctors and nurses are some of the most respected people in a society, and are rightly recognized as such with their daily acts of heroism.

    Pharmacists and biologists do seem less likely to receive the same admiration due to a lot of media bias, but it’s these people who are working the hardest.

    Taking pride in an appearance as a doctor or nurse is the key to establishing good practice and excellent rapport with patients. You’re still human even with the coat on after all.

    Debate over healthcare rights
    Finally, how much medical care should be provided and the discussion over universal free healthcare is one of the biggest issues within the medical community.

    It’s interesting to see how much of a debate there is over this, and as a result people move into the health sector career path from a young age.

    This is due to the fact that there’s a lot of controversy over this idea of health care, which brings it to the forefront of society.

    So there’s a lot to be said for the attraction of working in the medical field. People love to help, they improve upon their innate skills, they’re respected, and there’s always going to be a love/hate relationship between the public and the healthcare sector.

    Why do you think so many people see the medical field as an attractive career to pursue?


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