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Woman Loses Half Of Her Body Weight After Being Forced To Buy Two Plane Seats

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, May 28, 2016.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Sometimes embarrassing encounters can make you so strict about your diet and health that you may end up losing weight. Remember the “fat-Monica” in Friends who was finally full when Chandler called her fat? That can be real as well. Maybe, one does not need to read motivational weight loss articles all the time, but they need to be ridiculed. This is what happened with 24 year old Amber Rose who lost incredible amount of weight after this embarrassing moment.

    Amber Rose


    Amber was size 28 and she had to buy two plane tickets every time she went on a holiday. What happened next was, a stranger one day called her “pregnant” and that was all she needed to hear.

    Amber said, “I also needed a seat-belt extender to fit over my bulging stomach, I was so uncomfortable but I couldn’t envision how I’d ever be any different. It was mortifying going away and instead of looking forward to holidays I would always dread them as getting on a plane was always humiliating. I felt like everyone would stare at me, and even when I got to these beautiful destinations I’d have to cover up my body because I was too ashamed.”

    She Weighed 159 Kgs


    She was 5’11” and weighed 25 stone or 159kg earlier and was always in a denial and continued having snack packs of Maltesers and an unhealthy diet. She used to have three sharing Maltesers pack in a week.

    Even though she struggled with weight issues since forever, she still was a lot into physical activity and exercised a lot in her school days. When she was 15, she had a size 18. She was in school team’s netball team but still used to secretly eat a lot of carbs and fat by indulging in unhealthy items.

    Amber told that as she was in girl’s school, she never had to worry about looking good for the boys. She even had amazing friends and thus, no one ever pin-pointed at her bodyweight. “I did regular exercise in school but my diet was so bad that playing sports didn’t keep the weight off. I was eating huge portions and it just became part of my daily routine. My parents were worried and would cook healthy dinners but I would just snack and eat bad foods when they weren’t looking.” Amber said.

    She Determined To Lose Weight


    Then, one day, a friend posted her picture online, in which she was standing at a buffet table and realized how big she looked. It was hard for her to look at that picture and thus, she decided to lose weight and quickly began dieting. She said, “She said: ‘I couldn’t believe it was me in the picture. I knew I was big but this woman looked huge. After that, I lost a stone quite quickly but was humiliated again when a stranger came up to me on a night out and asked how many months pregnant I was. Ever since then I haven’t looked back, I switched to low calorie healthy meals and began to do light exercise.”

    Amber also joined Weightwatchers and attended weekly-ins in order to keep herself in a good form. She was indeed a “gym-junkie” and lost 13 stone which even surpassed her target. But since she had lost a huge amount, excess skin was left around her stomach which did not look good at all.

    Fortunately, she had good money saved and she decided to pay £8,000 for tummy tuck surgery and with it, completed her transformation. She told, “Instead of feeling lighter after the gym I felt heavier as I was carrying 7lbs (3kg) of skin around my stomach. I knew at some point I might need to do something as no matter how many times you go to the gym, you’re never going to tone that much skin.”

    Here She Is


    Now, Amber is size 10 and weighs 12 stone, i.e. 76 kgs and looks completely different. She hopes that other people will get inspired by her story as well. “I’m sharing my story to let other know that if I can do it anyone can. It’s not an easy journey, when you’ve had an unhealthy diet for so long it becomes the norm and it’s hard to get out of such bad habits.” Said Amber. She added, “I no longer feel like I stand out of the crowd for all the wrong reasons. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”



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    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016

  2. Riham

    Riham Bronze Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Embarrassment is the steam engine that fuels the will-power for weight loss.

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