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WOMEN: Always Falling Madly in LOVE with their DOCTORS

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Riham, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Riham

    Riham Bronze Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Women have a thing for doctors. This is because doctors combine alpha and beta qualities.

    Alpha (dominant, assertive, bad boy)

    All day long, doctors tell people what to do. They issue commands. There’s nothing they haven’t seen before, so they rarely get ruffled – they act like nothing is a big deal because most of the time, it’s not. You think that rubs off in their daily demeanor in other aspects of life? You better believe it — calm and confident assertiveness is a huge turn-on. Doctors also wear uniforms. Uniforms are a sign of authority. Authority is a turn-on.

    Beta (submissive, nurturing, nice guy)

    Doctors take care of sick people. They nurture. When bad things happen, they are there for you. They provide safety and comfort. They are reliable and responsible.

    A man seeking a lifelong marriage with lots of really hot sex should cultivate a combination of alpha and beta qualities. If you are too alpha, work on your bedside manner (no, the other bedside manner). If you are too beta, start writing prescriptions: Take two and call me in the morning.


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