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Your Guide To A Perfect Life As A Doctor

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Many believe that the life of the doctor is confined within (lab coat) and that he is socially isolated .. This is wrong .. You have full freedom to determine how to live .. But as a doctor is supposed to be social until you love patients and rest their souls for you .. There is no doubt that there are things you need to be successful in your life, these things motivate you because achieving something in your life you can not be successful in your life without doing some important steps and things that motivate you to do so. When you become a successful person you can leave a mark in life after your death, and this great impact will distinguish you from other human beings and that this success will increase him in this life and this will be the motivation and the vision of following the steps necessary to reach success. A successful doctor is committed to being as successful in his private life as in his work.

    Medical life pressures are well documented, studies have consistently shown that medical students and doctors suffer from depression, fatigue, and other mental illnesses at higher rates than their peers, and that doctors have a higher suicide rate than the general population - 40% higher for male doctors, and amazingly 130% higher. For female doctors. So, dear doctor do not make your life go down a ramp, separate your career and personal life, to be successful on both sides, you are wonderful and you have the right to live a wonderful life, so;

    1- Wake up early, so that you can achieve as many goals as you can throughout the day. You must do the tasks that you postponed. Try new activities, feel the change in your life.

    2- Learning to take care of others more than they care about you, and give others more than you take from them, will make you feel more satisfied when meeting the needs of others.

    3- Learn how to become an effective leader, so you can manage your life effectively. Experimenting with things you think you are not sure about doing will increase your intelligence abilities. You must constantly develop your skills in the sense of investing yourself and not anyone else.

    4- Keep improving, list your strengths and weaknesses. Find out how everyone plays a role in your working life. Make it known (skillfully) at work what your strengths are. Decide what you can do to turn your weaknesses into strengths or at least improve your skills in the process. Consider a one, five, or ten year plan. It's good to set some goals.

    5- You don't want to avoid feeling like a fool, as you will make mistakes from time to time in this job and your mistakes will be all serious, because everything you do directly affects your patients' lives. In addition, there will be times when you will have to withstand the onslaught of top doctors who feel insulted teaching is the only way forward. You will sometimes feel foolish, so you should endure and not let the negatives affect your own life.

    Success can mean any number of things. For doctors, success rarely involves what a paycheck says. So enjoy your life as much as possible, you are a successful doctor.


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