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Your Ultimate Guide to Comfy Studying

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Exam season is upon us once again, and what does that mean? Stress. But it doesn’t have to be all bad! Studying all day and night does come with it’s perks. 1. You don’t have any classes meaning you can stay home in your pajamas all day. And 2. You are exempt from a proper eating schedule just as you are exempt from a proper sleeping scheduling. This means comfort food AND comfy clothes all month long.


    1. Slippers


    Make sure to keep your feet warm and cozy while studying. Warm feet = happy studying.Try something fun and fuzzy for the added bonus of give you something to smile at during your studies.

    2. Bath Robe


    A bathrobe is a must if you’re studying at home. Like a sweater and a blanket combined, it’s guaranteed to keep you warm even if you’re studying in a building without central heating.

    3. Giant Sweater


    This is slightly more socially acceptable to wear in public than a bathrobe. Find the largest sweater you own, or purposely go thrift store shopping and buy a sweater a few sizes too big. Never underestimate the comfort that comes along with something big and baggy.

    4. Sweatpants (obviously!)


    These are an essential part of any student’s wardrobe. Whether you’re into the new ‘jogger’ style of sweatpants or are going for the classic ‘loose and baggy’ look, these are your comfiest form of pants hands down.

    5. Yoga pants (if you want to leave the house but maximize comfiness)


    For all the ladies out there who don’t like wearing sweatpants in public (though seriously, you’re in college - who cares?), yoga pants are a great option that give you comfort and flexibility. Match with a giant sweater and you’re all set for a cozy and productive day of studying on campus!

    6. Aloe vera-infused socks


    Yes, these are a really thing. They are as fuzzy and soft, while having the added bonus of moisturizing and pampering your foot. It’s like a pedicure on-the-go, you will feel like you’re walking on clouds!


    7. Kraft Dinner


    A staple of every student’s diet. It’s delicious, cheesy, and can be made in the microwave if you’re in a hurry. The best part? KD is versatile. Kraft has come out with so many different varieties in recent years that if you desire, you can make it into a gourmet meal. If you’re not in a rush try adding chorizo, green onions, and some additional cheese (gouda or gorgonzola work well!)

    8. Pop Tarts


    A classic. Delicious whether toasted or untoasted and also come in a variety of flavours to suit any mood! Plus, every time you eat one you have the added bonus of feeling like you could be best friends with Rory and Lorelai.

    9. Chinese take-out


    It’s quick and easy, and it comes with it’s own perfectly sized take-out containers. Plus, Chinese food is perfect for sharing which makes it a great option for late-night group study sessions.

    10. Red Bull



    11. Smoothie (for good measure)


    Just to make sure you’re getting some fruits and veggies in! Smoothies are an easy and delicious way to get a whole bunch of essential minerals and nutrients in one go.


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