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11 Tips For Making Waking Up And Getting Out Of Bed Easier

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

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    11 Ways Get Out of Bed Faster and Have More Energy in the Morning

    You hear the wretched sound of your’s 7am on Monday and you have to be at work in two’re tired and grumpy...and it’s cold DO NOT want to get out of bed...

    We’ve all been there and it’s not fun. Having a good morning ritual can make your mornings more productive and improve your mood and energy levels for the rest of your day. Here are my 11 favorite tips for making waking up and getting out of bed easier:

    1. Drink Water Before Going to Sleep

    Drinking water before going to sleep you will cause you to need to to use the bathroom in the morning. Needing to use the bathroom will make you want to get up and prevent you from falling back to sleep. However, excess amounts of water within the few hours prior to going to sleep may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. I recommend experimenting to find the optimal timing and quantity of water to drink prior to sleeping.

    2. Open your Blinds Before Going to Sleep

    Leaving your blinds open at night will allow the sun to enter your room and wake you up. Most people have a hard time sleeping when a room is bright. Conversely, a dark room is more conducive to sleep. The sun is a source of vitamin D, which is a natural source of energy. The sun also reminds our mind and body that it’s daytime and that we should be awake and energized. Note: if your room is too bright at night with the blinds open, it may prevent you from falling or staying asleep.

    3. Eat Before Going to Sleep

    One of the reasons why you may feel groggy in the morning is because you’ve gone a long time since eating. A small snack before bed can help prevent this. I usually eat a low-carbohydrate, easy to digest, food such as cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, nuts and/or peanut butte. Eating too much food or foods that are difficult to digest may prevent you from sleeping, so you may need to experiement.

    4. Set your Alarm Clock to Play your Favorite Music

    The sounds of most alarm clocks is miserable and can elicit feelings of anxiety in many people. Like when someone’s ring tone is your alarm clock tone. Thus by using a standard alarm clock, the first thought in your head each day is a negative one. That’s a terrible way to start the day! Instead, set your alarm clock to play music that makes you happy. The first thought in your head each day be a bright one. Unlike with an annoying alarm clock sound, you won’t even want to push the snooze button!

    5. Place Your Alarm Clock Away From Your Bed

    By placing your alarm clock across the room, you will be forced to get out of bed to turn it off. Getting out of bed is often the hardest part about waking up in the morning. By getting out of bed faster, you increase the likelihood of starting your day rather than going back to sleep. Having your alarm clock next your bed makes it easier to press the snooze button and sleep longer. Once you are out of bed, it’s usually easier to stay up and get your day going.

    6. Consume Caffeine Shortly After Waking Up

    You may feel groggy for the first hour or two after waking up. Feeling groggy leads to lower productivity, and means more time spent on certain tasks than is necessary. To eliminate the morning groggy feeling, drink coffee or tea shortly after waking up. It prevents you from wanting to go back to sleep, and will give you the energy you need to get your morning started.

    7. Exercise in the Morning

    Some light exercise in the morning will get your endorphins flowing and give you more energy. Weight training or a class at the gym are great options. Running outside or at the gym would also be good. You could even just do a short easy workout such as some jumping jacks, crunches, or push ups in your home.

    8. Eat When You Wake Up

    As discussed above, while sleeping for eight hours you haven’t provided your body with any sustenance. A small and easy-to-digest meal in the morning will give you a boost of energy. I recommend a piece of fruit, a glass of milk, or yogurt at the very least. If you have the appetite, a full meal could be really helpful.

    9. Do Something Fun in the Morning

    Stimulating your mind by doing an enjoyable activity will give you energy. If you schedule it in advance, knowing that you will be doing something fun will make you more eager to get out of bed in the morning. It could be a phone conversation with a friend, reading, playing video games, or something else that makes you happy.

    10. Be Accountable

    Schedule something with somebody in the morning. Having “peer accountability” is one of the most effective motivators. If someone is dependent on your for something or monitoring your progress, you will feel motivated to do it. Scheduling a breakfast or workout with a peer will give you a clear deadline to attain to in the morning, thus giving you a kick-start in the morning.

    11. Keep a Routine

    Keeping a regular and consistent sleep schedule helps your body get into a natural rhythm. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. By doing so you will begin to naturally fall asleep and wake up at the same time each day. Waking up will feel more natural. In addition, it will help you fall asleep at a more regular schedule.


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    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017

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