**Differential diagnosis of this case: lower limb edema suggestive for : 1) Heart failure 2)hepatic failure 3) renal failure 4) hypertension 5)varicosities 6)lymphangitis 7)filariasis dark brown urine>>>heamturia suggestive for: 1) Renal stones 2) renal injury 3)glomerulonephritis 4)drug induced e.g rifampcin *this case is most probably suggestive to post streptococcal glomerulonephritis due to history of flu like symptoms preceding loin pain , hematuria and lower limb edoma . ** investigations to be done : 1) kidney function tests "creatinine. potassium.phosphate.Ca" 2)protineuria 3)hematuria micrscopic and macroscopic 4)albuminuria 5)liver function tests 6)ECG 7)CT scan kidney 8)inflammtory markers 9) anti nuclear and complements to exclude SLE nephritis 10) Blood Pressure 11) CBC I can't remember anymore