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5 Fruits For Radiant Skin

Discussion in 'Dietetics' started by Medicopk, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. Medicopk

    Medicopk Famous Member

    Jun 5, 2012
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    Fruits are one of the best medicines. Increased intakes of fruit and vegetables may decrease markers of inflammation linked to a range of chronic diseases. We also know that a cup of fruit juice a day is sure to guarantee a clear complexion. How about a massage with a fruit pulp or a fruit facial? With people getting more wary of effect of chemicals on the skin, a majority of them are now resorting to using something from their own kitchen. What better way to pamper your skin than with pure stuff which is free of toxins and not harmful to your skin?

    Besides the fact that they hydrate and rejuvenate your skin, the very smell of a fruit on your face is quite de-stressing. Unlike the chemical beauty treatments, fruits are cost-effective, natural and also bring a visible difference. Here are a few fruits and their properties, choose what suits you best!
    Bananas: The Wonder Fruit

    Banana: This is one fruit that’s abundantly available in India all through the year. We know it’s a good source of iron, magnesium and potassium and helps reduce menstrual cramps. The effect of banana on skin too is not something that can be ignored. Bananas are rich in vitamin A, B and E and hence works as an anti-aging agent. A fresh mashed banana facial can do wonders for your skin.

    For Full Article: MedicoPK | 5 Fruits For Radiant Skin

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