I think chest pain for angina or infarction sever head pain may increase intracranial tension may hge or meningitis or tumor or hypertension throobing tooth I think may lead to endocarditis in diseased hearts sharp pain may renal colic or appendicitis that may rupture and causing peritonitis abd discomfort has many differential diagnosis back pain with tingling toe mmmm I don't know may be something in nerves or spinal cord leg pain with swelling it is 90 % deep vein thrombus and it is very serious as it may lead to pulmonary embolism
Leg pain with swelling! Don't forget we can have: cellulitis, big leg pain with swelling and induration unilateraly or bilaterally, with painful inguinal node.
Sometimes when headache is rebel to conventional analgesics, we have to think to a mental disorder as depression or psychosomatic disorder .