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7 Worst Things People Lie To Their Doctors About

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    How much do you really drink? Do you always use condoms? How many vegetables pass your lips in a day? If you don't always fess up to your less-than-perfect health habits, welcome to the club. Almost everyone stretches the truth at least a little when their doc asks about lifestyle habits. "For the most part, patients don't want to lie to their doctors—they view it as 'sugar-coating' the truth or 'conveniently forgetting' details because they don't want to look bad or be embarrassed," says Kristine Arthur, MD, an internist at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA. But these seemingly small fibs can have huge health implications. Here are the seven most common things folks lie about and why they matter.

    Their diet


    "Often people with diabetes, high cholesterol, or obesity will say that they don't eat anything 'bad' and can't understand why their labs are still abnormal or they aren't losing weight," Arthur says. "When asked point-blank if they are eating saturated fats or processed sugars, for instance, they often say no even when their labs tell another story." But it's imperative that you be upfront with your doctor if you have high cholesterol or any chronic illness that requires a modified diet.

    "If lifestyle changes are simply too difficult, the best thing to do is notify your doctor so that you can treat your medical problems in other ways and minimize the risk for long-term consequences," stresses Michael S. Langan, MD, an associate professor of internal medicine at Ohio State University. "Don't wait 6 months to tell your doctor that 'this plan is not working.' "

    Their alcohol intake


    "Nurses know that if someone says they have two to three glasses of wine per week, it's often two to three per day," says Teri Dreher, RN, a patient advocate in Chicago. "I've had hundreds of patients tell me they drink just a little bit here or there, and their family tells me that they get drunk almost every day." But if you're not honest about how much you're imbibing, it can lead to unnecessary tests and possibly even dangerous drug interactions. "If your liver test is abnormal and you deny alcohol use, it could trigger a workup that may be unnecessary," Arthur says. "Many medications also should not be taken with alcohol, and it's important that we know that when prescribing them."

    Severity of symptoms


    When Kashif Ali, a medical oncologist with Maryland Oncology Hematology, starts a cancer patient on a treatment regimen, he discusses all the possible side effects that can occur, including life-threatening ones that would require stopping therapy. "Unfortunately, patients sometimes lie and mask certain troubling side effects out of fear that I may discontinue that particular treatment," he says. "But oftentimes they can stay on the regimen, as long as I adjust the dose, or even switch to another treatment that's just as effective."

    Or the opposite can occur: "Sometimes patients, especially older ones, feel the doctor will not pay attention to them unless they exaggerate their symptoms," says Dreher. "Often doctors seem rushed and don't make a lot of eye contact because they're also typing into a computer, so people worry that they won't get the doctor's attention unless what they say is very striking." But crying wolf may just make your doctor less likely to take you seriously when something is really bothering you.

    Their medications


    This is a big one. "If you ask patients if they're taking their medication as prescribed, most of the time they'll automatically say yes," notes Arthur. "Upon further questioning, they may admit that they forget the evening pills or didn't get to the pharmacy for a couple of weeks to pick up their medication." Sometimes patients say they're taking their meds now, "however, it can take some digging to get the full story, which is that they stopped for a couple of months and only restarted them yesterday before their appointment." Your doctor would much rather be aware that you haven't taken your prescription so that perhaps it can be restarted with the hope that this time your labs, tests, and symptoms improve.

    Ditto with other, non-drug treatments like physical therapy: If you don't fess up to your MD that you're not following the program, it can not only delay healing, it may lead your doctor to unnecessarily prescribe other, more aggressive treatments like medication or surgery, according to Steve Yoon, MD, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician at Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Angeles.

    Unprotected sex


    "One of the most common lies I hear among all my single sexually active patients, no matter what their age, is 'of course my boyfriend always wears a condom every time we have sex,' " says Sherry Ross, MD, an ob-gyn at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. "But condoms are the best way to help prevent sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, HIV infections, and HPV-related diseases such as genital warts and cervical cancer, no matter what decade you're in."

    Women who find themselves back on the dating scene in midlife may be especially nonchalant about using condoms, in part because they're no longer worried about preventing pregnancy. But according to CDC data, rates of sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise across all age groups. In the CDC's 2014 survey, chlamydia was up 2.8% and syphilis was up 15% since 2013.

    Drug use


    And we're not talking about Advil and Robitussin. "I have some male patients who deny being on testosterone therapy, which is important to know because it reduces fertility," says Philip Werthman, MD, director of the Center for Male Reproductive Medicine and Vasectomy Reversal in Los Angeles. But testosterone therapy won't only mean shelling out thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket infertility expenses—research also suggests a link between taking T and heart disease.

    The same holds true for recreational drugs like marijuana. "People don't want the drugs on their official medical records for fear of repercussions from work or insurance companies if they were to ask for them, but they can also cause fertility-related issues like low sperm count," Werthman says.

    Cosmetic surgery


    "I'm always amazed at how many patients say 'no' when asked if they've ever had surgery, but then somehow it slips out at a subsequent visit," says Nieca Goldberg, MD, medical director of NYU Langone's Joan H. Tisch Center for Women's Health. Yes, you may be mortified at the idea that your physician knows you went under the knife, but it's important to learn if you had any postsurgery complications or reactions to anesthesia, in case you ever require an emergency operation.


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