Introduction I will report to you a rare case in my country, just like Dede 'the Root Man'. But this case is a different disease, maybe you can name her as Iron Woman. Why? You will know later on. It is also very interesting case because it challenge our knowledge, brain, science to explain the condition that happened. The Report Noer Syaidah (41), a woman that being known as a teacher at Al-Wardah Kindegarten in East Kutai District, East Borneo, Indonesia. She suffers a strange disease that hundreds of wires shed out of her belly. Even, there are two wires that being embed on her chest. "Has been uncountable the amount of wires that come out from my belly. Everytime wire falls, i collect it, even some has been taken by my doctor," She said. She has suffered the disease since 1991. It began when she felt abdominal discomfort, at that time, she thought that was a common abdominal problems. But, it began to show the strange when wire came out from her belly suddenly. She felt shock and couldn't imagine when saw an iron wire came from her belly, at first time. She hided it from her family. After suffers for long time, she began to search cure for the disease, from medical, alternative, and supranatural. She also had ever been operated for her disease, with the Imaging guided surgery, she had laparotomy, process took long times because the wires kept moving, looks like know that is going to remove. The surgery didn't solve the problem because it only removed small wires, big wires still in her body. In 2006, this disease was getting worse, and gave more strange conditions. "Everytime close to my birthday, January 9th, the wires increase," she said. The Cure? The disease that being suffered by Noer Syaidah (41) is a new disease and first time occurs on the world. In medical knowledge, there is no reference or literature for the disease. You may not believe it, but you will suprise when you see it. There is no explanation, how can an iron wire be produced by human body. A surgeon, who takes care of her now, believes that this disease can be cured by surgery. The spiritual explanation, she ever went to a paranormal (shaman), the shaman explain to her that she is being voodoo by someone, and she should leave Samarinda (the city that she lived), it's better if cross the ocean. She tried it, and it works the symptoms milder, the wires didn't come out for about 5 years. But when she came back to Samarinda, the symptoms became worse than before. I don't know whether this is medical field or mystique field. But this is irrational, out of logic. But, for information, in my country, believe to supranatural power is still preserved. So maybe the cause is voodoo. Source :