101. A hard working adult sweats up to 4 gallons per day. Most of the sweat evaporates before a person realises it's there. 102. At birth we have over 300 bones. As we grow up, some of the bones begin to fuse together as a result an adult has only 206 bones. 103. The human hand has 27 bones. 104. The femur/thigh bone is the longest bone in our body, it is about a quarter of ones height. 105. The human body has 230 movable and semi- movable joints 106. Our Brain has over 100 billion nerve cells. 107. The human skull is made up of 29 different bones. 108. A newborn babys brain grows almost 3 times during the first year of life. 109. The left side of human brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. 110. The length of human blood vessel is such that it circles the globe 2 ½ times. 111. The human heart beats 30 million times a year. 112. 80 hairs are likely to fall every day. 113. The muscles of the eye move more than 100,000 times a day. 114. We breathe 13 pints of air every minute. 115. Human skin has a tendency to shed 40 pounds of skin in lifetime. 116. Human kidneys have about 1 million nephrons that filters out liquids and wastes. 117. Our heart beats around 100,00 times every day. 118. Human blood is on a 60,000mile journey. 119. Fingernails contain keratin and they seem to be strongest component in the human body. 120. The human skin contains 45 miles of nerves. 121. Most people blink about 25 times per minute. 122. For every 2 weeks, the human stomach produces new layer of mucous lining, otherwise the stomach will digest itself. 123. An average of 17 muscles contracts for a smile. 124. Every person has a unique tongue print. 125. A sneeze moves out of our mouth at a speed of 100 meters per hour. 126. An average human eye blinks about 6,205, 000 times. 127. The tooth is the only part of the human body that cannot heal and repair by its own. 128. In one square inch of skin there are 4 yards of nerve fibers. 129. The human eye has the ability to distinguish about 1 million color surfaces. 130. A square inch of skin has 100 sweat glands. 131. The human ear can distinguish between hundreds of thousands of different sounds. 132. On an average the human scalp has about 100,000 hairs. 133. Nails of toes or fingers take about 6 months to grow from base to tip. 134. A square inch of skin consists of 1300 nerve cells. 135. On an average an individual produces human being consumes about 500 kg of food per year. 136. The adult human brain is about 2 % of total body weight. 137. On an average 1.7 liters of saliva produces each day. 138. In one square inch of skin, there are 3 million cells. 139. The human body consists of over 600 muscles. 140. As we get older, the brain loses almost one gram per year. 141. Oesophagus/or food pipe, which is the passage for the food we eat to the stomach, is approximately 25 cm long. 142. A square inch of skin consists of three yards of blood vessel. 143. There are about 13, 500,00 neurons in the human spinal cord. 144. The human tongue has 10,000 taste buds. 145. The cells of taste buds are constantly being renewed, roughly on every ten hours. 146. An average human head weighs about 8 pounds. 147. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, unlike our nose and ears. 148. The human body is composed of 80 percent of water. 149. The human eyeball is 24.5 mm long. 150. The total weight of skin in an average human adult is 61 pounds. 151. Taste buds are present inside the mouth and also at the roof of the mouth. 152. The human spinal cord is 45 cm long in men and 43 cm long in women. 153. The weight of human cerebellum is 150g. 154. The strongest muscles of the human body are masseters, which are present on either side of the mouth. 155. The human liver performs 500 different functions. 156. The heart muscles will stop working only when we die. 157. Children have more sensitive ears than adults. 158. Shivering is a way of trying to keep our body warm. 159. Humans have the ability to distinguish 4,000 to 10, 000 smells. 160. Every hour, the human eye can process 36,000 bits of information. 161. Nails and corneas are the only two tissues in the body that do not receive oxygen from blood. 162. The length of the finger indicates how fast the nail grows. The nail of the middle finger grows faster than others. 163. The human ears can hear in the frequency of 1,000 to 50, 000 hertz. 164. The total surface area of the human brain is about 25, 000 square cms. 165. When the sounds are above 130 decibels, it causes pain to the ears. 166. There are around 100 receptors in each of our fingertips. 167. The weight of skin in a human adult is 4 to 5 kg. 168. The middle part of the back is the least sensitive part of our body. 169. Children have better sense of smell than adults. 170. The eyelashes shed by a human in his entire life is of 30 m of length. 171. After death, the body starts to dry out creating an illusion that the nails and hairs are growing even after death. 172. The surface of human skin is 6.5 square feet. 173. Every second, 15 million blood cells are destroyed in the human body. 174. An average human being will breathe about 23,040 times per hour. 175. The base of the spinal cord has a cluster of nerves, which are most sensitive. 176. The surface area of the human lung is equal to that of a tennis court. 177. When we reach 60 years of life, we lose 50 % of our taste buds. 178. Blinking of one eye causes movement of 200 muscles. 179. Platelets, which are one of the constituents of the blood is produced at the rate of 200 billion per day. 180. The sense of taste is the weakest of the five senses. 181. Humans have the ability to differentiate about 10, 000 odour. 182. It takes time for the newborn baby to learn to turn the pictures right side up, as it sees the world upside down in the beginning. 183. If human sense of smell is affected, sense of taste is also affected as the brain interprets signals from the nose and tongue. 184. There are around 1,200,000 optic fibers in the human eye. 185. The lens of the human eye is composed of 65 % of water and 3 % of protein. 186. We shut our eyes for 0.3 seconds, when we blink. 187. Color blind people find it hard to distinguish colors like green and red. 188. A blink of an eye lasts for 1/10th of a second. 189. Eyes are the only part of the human body that functions at 100 percent ability at any movement. 190. The human skin contains 280,000 heat receptors. 191. A drop of blood contains 250 million cells. 192. The liver is the largest and heaviest internal organ of the body and weighs about 1.6 kilos. 193. In the womb, the baby's body is covered by a thin layer of hair but as soon as the baby is born it disappears. 194. At birth every one is color blind. 195. Babies crawl to an average of 200 m a day. 196. The only joint less bone in the human body is the hyoid bone, which is present in the throat area. 197. A baby gender is determined after the first 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. 198. Eating Break fast helps to burn 5 to 20 percent of calories throughout the day. 199. The surface of human tongue is covered with 100 of tiny structures called papillae. 200. On an average, a persons left hand does 56 % of typing. source