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Attractive Students Get Higher Grades

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by dr.omarislam, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    Want to earn better grades in college? Well, you could party less and study more. Or complete extra-credit assignments.

    Or you could opt for plastic surgery.

    A radical step, to be sure, but newly published research suggests it could be surprisingly effective.

    In the latest attempt to tease out the benefits of being beautiful, two researchers examined the academic records of students at a large American university. They compared the grades they received in online courses—ones in which the teachers never saw their faces—with those conducted in person.

    "More attractive students earn higher grades when they are seen than when they are not seen," report economists Rey Hernandez-Julian and Christina Peters of the Metropolitan State University of Denver. This result, they add, was "driven mainly by courses taught by male instructors."

    Hey, your paper may be a C-minus, but your cheekbones are A-plus.

    As we have ruefully noted over the years, researchers have consistently found good-looking people are treated better than the rest of us. They tend to have higher incomes; if they're on the wait staff of a restaurant, they get bigger tips.

    But as Hernandez-Julian and Peters note, it's possible (if unlikely) that this is explained not by pro-beauty bias, but rather because attractive people, for some reason, do superior work. To investigate this possibility, they studied the academic records of 4,543 students at their own school, which they describe as "a large, public, open-admission institution."

    DDG can boost your GPA.


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