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Australian Permanent Visa Options for Doctors

Discussion in 'AMC' started by Egyptian Doctor, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Practicing medicine in:

    Once full medical registration is held, doctors may choose to apply for permanent residence under one of the following employer-sponsored or independent visas.

    Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 856)

    Doctors who have obtained full medical registration and have an employer who is willing to nominate them can apply for permanent entry under the Employer Nomination Scheme.

    Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 857)

    Doctors who have obtained full medical registration and have an employer who is willing to nominate them to work in a regional area of Australia can apply for permanent entry under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme.

    Labour Agreements

    Labour Agreements are formal arrangements negotiated between the Australian Government and an employer or industrial association. These agreements enable Australian employers to recruit a specified number of workers from overseas in response to identified or emerging labour market (or skill shortages) in Australia. They are for either permanent or temporary entry to Australia. Some large employers of doctors may have labour agreements in place. Doctors should ask potential employers about a labour agreement.

    General Skilled Migration

    Doctors who have obtained full medical registration may be able to migrate to Australia as an independent skilled migrant under the General Skilled Migration Program.
    If you have graduated from an Australian or New Zealand Medical Council accredited medical school and wish to complete your internship in Australia, you will need to apply for one of the following visas:

    • Occupation Trainee visa (subclass 442)
    • Temporary Business (Long Stay) visa (subclass 457)
    Source : Australian Medical Council
    Australian Government Website

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