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Being Single in Medical School

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Ghada Ali youssef, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Ghada Ali youssef

    Ghada Ali youssef Golden Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I’ve seen many posts on how to tackle dating in medical school, and then I thought, what about those of us that are single? So here I am to share with you my experience and thoughts on being single in medical school.

    First, I should tell you a little bit about my class and most of the classes at my school. The majority of my class is married, engaged, or in a serious relationship as are the other classes. Very few people in my class are actually single, and keep in mind I’m only 23 years old. Granted, it may just be a thing of the South, but that can be kind of scary especially considering how much time we dedicate toward medical school.
    At first, I felt really insecure about being one of the few single people in my class.

    After my first year, I’ve had some time to reflect on all of the wonderful things about being single in medical school, so I thought I would share some of those. I have learned so much about myself this year. How, you ask? Going through the ups and downs of medical school gave me a chance to find myself. It gave me the opportunity to:

    1.Find what makes me happy and what I find to be a non-negotiable.
    2.Value my independence.
    3.Truly value what I have to offer as a person.
    4.Take advantage of the plethora of opportunities.
    5. Figure out things I want to learn more about.
    6. Spend quality time with friends and family.


    7. Decide how I want to spend my free time.
    8. Be a little impulsive and open up to new experiences.


    9. Make big decisions because they’re yours to make and only yours.
    10. Figure out what I look for in someone—after all, being with someone shouldn’t cure all of your problems; being with someone should challenge you to be a better version of yourself and continue to grow.

    Don’t get me wrong—having a significant other is a beautiful thing and something to look forward to one day. But I just wanted to say that there is something beautiful in being single too. I’ll leave you with the following:


    You get the opportunity to write a novel that is your life, and you can make up any plot line you want.


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  2. Orjih Ifeanyi Donald

    Orjih Ifeanyi Donald Young Member

    Mar 23, 2017
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