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Countries Accepting USMLE and PLAB

Discussion in 'UKMLA (PLAB)' started by Egyptian Doctor, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    If I am done with USMLE but I cant match a residency in USA, can I find a job elsewhere with USMLE?
    If I am done with PLAB but I cant get a job in UK, can I find a job elsewhere with PLAB?

    Answer: Certainly YES, these exams are high quality exams that examine you in all basic medicine subjects and this is why many other countries accept it, in addition passing these exams in your CV is a big bonus.

    --the list below is important to anyone will go in the PLAB or USMLE pathway, you have to know your options.

    Countries that accept United States Medical Licencing exams (USMLE):
    1. United States: USMLE step 1 + USMLE step 2 CK + USMLE step 2 CS

    2. New Zeeland: USMLE step 1+ Step 2 CK + IELTS/OET + NZREX Exam (Clinical)

    3. Ireland: USMLE step 1 + Step 2 CK + Step 2 CS + PRES 3 (Clinical)

    4. Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Qatar: USMLE step 2 CK + IETS/TOEFL

    5. American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon: USMLE step 1+ USMLE step 2 CK+ IELTS/TOEFL

    Countries that Accept Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB):

    1. United Kingdom: OET/IELTS + PLAB 1 + PLAB 2

    2. New Zeeland: PLAB 1+ IELTS/OET + NZREX Exam (Clinical)

    3. Ireland: PLAB 1+ PRES 3

    Regarding Australia and USMLE and PLAB:
    The Australian Medical Council (AMC) give a specail pathway called: Competent Authority pathway
    In a nutshell:
    For USMLE: they write they require USMLE step 1+ USMLE step 2 CK + + USMLE step 2 CS + USMLE step 3 + 2 years of residency training in the US.

    For PLAB:
    Successful completion of the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) test since 1975, AND:
    • successful completion of the Foundation Year 1, or
    • 12 months supervised training (internship equivalent) in the United Kingdom, or
    • if the 12 months supervised training (internship equivalent) is completed in another Board approved competent authority country, approved by that competent authority.
    (I myself do not have any details about the year requirement and the supervised training)

    I hope colleagues will add other countries (In the comments) that accept USMLE or PLAB and provide the official links so people can learn more.
    (NB: I am not an expert in all these pathways, therefore, please open the official links for each pathway and learn by yourself.. I will help as much as my expertise allows)

    I hope the list opens the possibilities for you and keep hope UP...


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