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Do “Good” Medical Students Really Make Good Doctors?

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Oct 4, 2019.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    The quintessential "good" medicinal student isn't hard to picture. Her commitment limits on passion and pays bonuses as brilliant marks, manager acclaim, and the learning that she is in charge of increasing current standards far from the rest. "Good" medical students for the most part likewise consider flashcards as a part of their short list hobbies, and are those for whom lack of sleep is a focused game. Achievement in medical school is completely characterized by test results, and there are no extra marks for being well rounded. Be that as it may, regardless of whether outrageous devotion alone is at last enough to make a decent doctor stays to be seen (Bleakley,2015).

    Educational accomplishment is a key part of most medical students’ personalities. Lamentably, after beginning medicinal school numerous students experience the troublesome acknowledgment that they have moved to an alternate part of the bell curve than the part to which they have been accustomed. The craving to rise back to the pointy end is promptly apparent. Shockingly, the characteristics that encourage this, and those that are well-regarded all through medical school by the way of life or educational plan, are additionally those that incline us to burnout and a poor work–life balance. Mental illness is turning into a word related risk of medical training. Considering the tight meaning of the "Good" medical student that we disguise from our first day, alongside the internal and external pressures to accomplish this status, it isn't hard to envision why this may be (Dyrbye & Shanafelt, 2016).


    The "good" medical students may become effective doctors as per the impressively exclusive expectations of the passion; however it might include some significant downfalls to their own prosperity. Notwithstanding, the characteristics that this procedure encourages are not really those that patients distinguish as most significant, for example, relational abilities, tolerance, and sympathy. It is undeniable that fitness is imperatively significant. A medial student who can't tell headache medicine from adenosine isn't simply neglecting to meet the criteria of a good" student, he is a threat to patients. However, it is likewise conceivable that the cost that we are eager to acknowledge to deliver the best and most splendid is huge, and isn't generally in our future patients' subsequent benefits. Thinking about this, on the off chance that we contemplated the obvious attitudes that illuminate our definition regarding a "good" medical student as a disease, it's difficult to accept that we will not make an effort to treat it (Gillett, O'Neill & Bloomfield, 2016).


    Bleakley, A. (2015). Medical humanities and medical education: how the medical humanities can shape better doctors. Routledge.

    Dyrbye, L., & Shanafelt, T. (2016). A narrative review on burnout experienced by medical students and residents. Medical education, 50(1), 132-149.

    Gillett, K., O'Neill, B., & Bloomfield, J. G. (2016). Factors influencing the development of end-of-life communication skills: a focus group study of nursing and medical students. Nurse education today, 36, 395-400.

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