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Examples for the Psychiatrists' in Egyptian movies

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jermeen Wadie, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. Jermeen Wadie

    Jermeen Wadie Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2019
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    There are significant number of Egyptian and international movies who mentioned the Psychiatrist in a way that he is suffering from mental disorders as he deals with different cases of patients. The audience makes fun of this, but in real life when anyone is suffering for example from depression, the patient thinks a lot to take a step to visit the psychiatrist and this is because of what is in our mindset from these movies that the people who only behaved in a weird attitude should visit the psychiatrist.

    However, as any normal person should make examinations regularly to check about his health condition physically, you have also to talk with someone specialized to handle what you face in your life with your family and work colleges because your psychological life could reflect on your health in a negative way.

    Here are some examples for the psychiatrist in Egyptian movies:

    1- "Ana msh 2osayar w 2oz3a.. ana taweel w ahbal!"

    One of the most prominent artists who played the role of a psychiatrist in Egyptian cinema was Abdel Moneim Madbouli, the psychiatrist in the film "Motarda Gharamya", produced in 1968, which starred Fouad Al-Muhandis and Shoikar, a romantic-comedy film, directed by Najdi Hafez, and director Assistant Mustafa Jamal al-Din, story The screenplay and dialogue of Farouk Sabri.

    2- "W malo ya5oya w malo!"
    Dr. Shadid" presented the role of the psychiatrist in a comedy as usual, in the film "Bride of the Nile", which starred Rushdie Abaza and Lubna Abdel Aziz.

    3- "Teganen Haaa!"
    The artist Tawfiq El-Daqan, in a scene he combined with comedian Ismail Yassin, in the film "El-Setat May3rfosh yekdebo", in which Al-Melegi participated in the role of the psychiatrist, trying to cure the hero of the film who claims to be crazy.

    4- Galal El-Sharkawi is one of the few directors who have played roles in films with other actors, where he played the role of psychiatrist in the film "Khaly Balak men 3a2lak", in front of Adel Imam and Sherihan, directed by Mohammed Abdulaziz, and presented al-Sharqawi during the film the image of a psychiatrist who uses his therapeutic tools such as injections and electroshock therapy to punish patients, which is a completely wrong concept or message sent to the audience as these mentioned methods could be a treatment for certain cases not a way of punishment!

    On the other hand, there are good examples for the psychiatrist in some movies like:
    1- Mahmoud El-Melegi, in the film "Be2r El-Herman" as a a psychiatrist tries to treat Soad Hosni, who plays the role of "Nahed", who suffers from the disease of Double personality, she lives with her character during the day, and at night she is "Mervat" the prostitute.

    2- Sami Magawari also played the role of a psychiatrist in "Asef 3la El- Ez3ag", which starred Ahmed Helmy, and combined them in the film a scene that was classified on YouTube as one of the strongest scenes in the film.

    3- Recently, Karim Abdel Aziz, Khaled El Sawy and Hend Sabry played the role of psychiatrist, in the film "Blue Elephant" parts1 and 2, based on a novel of the same name by Ahmed Murad, but differently, appearing as a psychiatrist and psychiatric patients (Khaled and Hend) at different moments in the film.


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