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First Aid: Heart attack !

Discussion in 'Emergency Medicine' started by Ronnie, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. Ronnie

    Ronnie Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
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    Medical student
    Practicing medicine in:

    heart attack

    First Aid
    1. Recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack.

    a.) Persistent chest pain or Discomfort

    b.) Left Arm Pain, may travel to neck, shoulder or jaw.

    c.) Shortness of Breath

    d.) Nausea, Dizziness, Skin may appear pale.

    e.) Sweating

    f.) Denial

    2. Have victim sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

    3. Call EMS, do not drive victim to the hospital yourself.

    Prevent a heart attack Before it Happensheart attack symptoms

    Risk Factors

    Cannot Control: Can Control:

    1. Heredity ( Family) 1. Weight

    2. Gender (Male) 2. Diet (Saturated Fats)

    3. Age (Older) 3. Exercise

    4. Race (African American) 4. Smoking

    5. High Blood Pressure

    6. Stress

    7. Uncontrolled Diabetes

    Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

    Purpose ”“ To supply oxygen to the cells of the body when the heart has ceased to function.

    Biological Death ”“ Heart and Lungs have ceased to function.

    Clinical Death ”“ No brain function.

    Check ”“ The Scene

    The Victim :

    Check For Unresponsiveness “Are you OK?” ”“ No Response

    Call ”“ Call EMS ”“ Victim is unconscious, no breathing and no pulse
    Look, Listen and Feel for signs of life no longer than 10seconds.

    Give victim 2 rescue breaths.

    Care ”“ Start CPR

    1. Be sure victim is on a firm, flat surface.

    2. Head on same level as heart.

    3. Kneel at the victims side, facing the victim.

    4. Place hands on the center of the victims CHEST, lock out
    the elbows and position your shoulders directly overtop
    of your hands. Use your body weight to compress chest.

    5. 30 compression/2 breaths = 1 cycle of CPR
    ( Compressions should be 1 1/2 ”“ 2 inches in depth, given at the rate of 100 per minute)

    6. After breaths go immediately to chest compressions and
    start the cycle over again.

    Continue Until

    A. Victim shows obvious signs of life.

    B. The scene becomes unsafe.

    C. Another trained rescuer takes over for you.

    D. EMS Arrive.

    E. You are too exhausted to continue. 20100924_heart-attack.jpg

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