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First Deaf Doctors, Scientists, Dentists, in the history

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:

    We are aware that we have many more “first” Deaf doctors, scientists, etc in the history. Please feel free to provide the name of Deaf people so we can keep Deaf history alive. Enjoy reading.


    Robert Grant Aitken, American Astronomer 1864-1951

    He discovered 3,000 double star system. He wrote “Double Star Measures”. A crater on the moon is named after him.

    Guillaume Amontons, French Physicist 1663-1705

    One of the first scientists to study absoulte temperature. He developed some of the first barometers and thermometers.

    George K. Andree, American Dentist xxxx – xxxx

    He was one of first deaf persons to earn degree in the dental profession.

    Raymond T. Atwood, American Bacteriologist xxxx – xxxx

    He focused on the production of vitamins and antibodies.

    Kreigh B. Ayers, American Chemist xxxx – xxxx

    He was one of first deaf chemists hired by Goodyear in World War I.

    Donald L. Ballantyne, American Professor of Experimental Surgery 1922 – xxxx

    He was known authority on transplantation techniques. He was first Deaf Professor of Experimental Surgery and Director of the Microsurgical Research and Training Laboratories.

    Lewis H. Babbitt, American Herpetologist xxxx – xxxx

    He was a curator for the Worcester Natural History Society. He traveled and gave lectures about repitiles at schools across the nation.

    Frederick A.P. Barnard, American Scientist / Educator 1809-1889

    He established an astronomical observatory at University of Alabama. He was president of Columbia College

    Ruth Fulton Benedict, American Anthropoligist 1887 – 1948

    As an anthropologist, she studied visual aspects of culture (pottery, costumes, dance, etc) of Indian tribes.

    Charles Bonnet, Swiss Naturalist 1720 – 1793

    He was one of the founding fathers of modern biology. He made a great discovery of reproduction without fertilization in aphids (parthenogenesis).

    Annie Jump Cannon, American Astronomer 1863 – 1941

    She was the “Dean of Women Astronomers.” She classified 1/3 of a million stars.

    Harold J. Conn, American Bacteriologist 1886 – 1975

    He discovered that soil bacteria increassed while soil is frozen instead of decreasing as expected.

    Sir John Warchup Cornforth, British Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1917 – xxxx

    His work was focus on steriod synthesis. He discovered the basic reaction for the synthesis. He solved the mystery of the nature of enzyme catalysis. He won the Nobel Prize in 1975 for his work with cholesterol.

    George T. Dougherty, American Metallurgist 1860 – 1938

    He was a steel chemist.

    Tilly Edinger, American Paleoneurologist (formerly Johanna Gabrielle Ottelie) 1897 – 1967

    She studied fossils in Germany and America. She brought two diverse areas of paleontology and neurology together.

    Thomas Alva Edison, American Inventor 1847 – 1931

    The greatest American inventor. His patents included the phonograph and improvements in the light bulb.

    Anders Gustaf Ekeberg, Swedish Chemist 1767 – 1813

    He discovered tantalum (metal) in 1802. Tantalum is #73 on the Periodic Table in chemistry.

    Robert J. Farquharson, American Civil War Surgeon 1824 – 1884

    He was appionted by Andrew Johnson as surgeon during the Civil War, Fourth Tennessee Infantry. He later founded the Academy of Sciences which he was President in Iowa.

    Sir John Ambrose Fleming, British Electrical Scientist 1849 – 1945

    He served as consultant to Thomas Edison’s company in London. He developed the rectifier (electric valve). It is known as diode vacuum tube in the United States.

    John Goodricke, British Astronomer 1764 – 1786

    He discovered the variation of CEPHEI and other binary stars thus laying the foundation of modern measurements of the Universe.

    Wilson H. Grabill, American Statistician 1912 – 1983

    He used pioneering methodoloy that help produce the first ten-year census report on in 1940.

    Anthony A. Hajna, American Bacteriologist 1907 – 1992

    He became one of the nation’s authoriatative scientists in enteric bacteriology. His developmenet of a medium for isolating typhoid bacteria became recognized.

    Olaf Hassel, Norwegian Astronomer 1898 – 1972

    He discovered the comet and a nova. The comet was named after him.

    Oliver Heaviside, British Electrical Scientist 1850 – 1925

    He did much work with telephone signal transmission. The Kennely-Heaviside layer in the Earth’s atmosphere is named for him.

    Dr. Frank P. Hockman, American Physician 1935 – xxxx

    One of the first deaf physicians in the United States.

    Regina Olson Hughes, Scientific Illustrator 1895 – 1993

    She illustrated many flower species that scientists collected from all over the world. She was only deaf artist to have solo exhibiton at the Smithsonian Institution. She was honored by having two different new species named for her.

    Dr. David James, American Mathematician 1950 – xxxx

    He is an associate professor at Howard University in Washington, D.C.

    Donald J. Kidd, Canadian Geologist 1922 – 1966

    He was first person to receive doctoral degree in Canada. He conducted research in geology. He was an instructor at Gallaudet College.

    Alfred Kroeber, American Anthropologist

    His meticulous work with Ishi, a Yahi was highlighted. His work was shown in movie called “The Last of His Tribe.” He was deaf in one ear.

    Henrietta Swan Leavitt, American Astronomer 1868 – 1921

    She discovered many Cepheids in the magellanic Clouds. She was considered for the Nobel Prize for her discovery of the period-luminostiy relationship but she had died of cancer.

    Leo Lesquereux, American Paleobotanist 1806 – 1889

    He was one of great founders of fossil botany in North America. He classified and named fossils. He described over 900 species of mosses.

    James H. Logan, American Microscopist 1843 – 1917

    He acquired a patent for an improvement in the microscope. He donated some species to schools as well as Gallaudet College.

    James C. Marsters, American Dentist / Inventor 1924 – xxxx

    His dental practice was in california. He was one of three people who worked on the development of a modem for the TTY.

    Gerald M. McCarthy, American Entomologist 1858 – 1915

    He was state bontanist in NC until 1893. He built a laboratory to analyze the quality of drinking water.

    Thomas Meehan, American Botatanist 1826 – 1901

    He was “Dean of American Horticulture.” He was honored by having a plant species named for him.

    Fielding Bradford Meek, American Geologist 1817 – 1895

    His discovery of fossils was exceptional.

    Gideon E. Moore, American Chemist 1842 – 1895

    He was well-known chemist who was willing to donate his time to make some valuable contributions to the science, especially in the line of mineral analyses.

    Dr. Charles Henri Nicolle, French Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine 1866 – 1936

    His study of typhus outbreak led to a breakthrough in medicine. He found that body lice were carriers of the disease

    Dr. Wyn Owston, British Physician (formerly Ethal Sharrad) 1919 – xxxx

    She served as a doctor during World War I. She set up new clinics in North Wales. She continued to work in family planning until her retirement in 1984.

    Einer Rosenkjar, American Civil Engineer xxxx – xxxx

    He designed the bridges along the Pan-American route in the Canal zone during the World War II. He also designed many freeways, parkways, and bridges in Los Angles, Calilfornia.

    Charlotte Angas Scott, British Mathematician
    1858 – 1931

    She was first deaf woman to be dean of a Mathematics department. She inspired many women in mathematics over the years.

    Nansie Sharpless, American Biochemist 1932 – 1987

    She broke the barrier down in workforce in chemistry for students with disabilities. She worked on long-term effects of L-Dopa treatments for Parkinson’s disease.

    Dr. Helen Taussig, American Pediatric Cardiologist

    She was involved with Dr. Alfred Blalock in his research with “blue babies”.

    Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Russian Rocket Pioneer
    1857 – 1935

    He was the “Father of Astronautics.” He designed air ships and rockets. A crater was named after him on the moon.

    Robert H. Weitbrecht, American Physicist 1920 – 1983

    He was one of three people who helped to invent a telephone modem for the TTY.

    After graduating in 1983, Dr. Pachciarz was chief resident in pathology for five years. She completed a fellowship in transfusion medicine and blood banking, and was laboratory director of a small county laboratory. She is currently a hospital pathologist and director of the blood transfusion service at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles.

    When Zazove received his M.D. in 1978, he became one of the first deaf physicians in the United States. He then completed a residency in Family Practice at the University of Utah and hung out his shingle. After eight successful years in private practice, he accepted a position at the University of Michigan Medical School.


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    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018

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