Fractura “equivalente de Galeazzi”, ya que no existe luxación, sino fractura a través de la diáfisis distal del cúbito.
Galeazzi fracture ·Whenever one of the two bones of the forearm fractures with considerable shortening (usually through angulation), then something has to happen to “shorten” the other bone oThe other bone can also fracture oThe other bone can dislocate oLigaments are torn ·Galeazzi and Monteggia fractures are both fractures in which there is a fracture with shortening of one of the two bones of the forearm with dislocation of the other bone ·Galeazzi Fracture oMechanism: Fall on outstretched hand with elbow flexed oFracture of the radius with shortening and dislocation of the distal ulna