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Groundbreaking Study Reveals That Vaping Can Lead To Considerable Cancer Risk

Discussion in 'Oncology' started by Hadeel Abdelkariem, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Hadeel Abdelkariem

    Hadeel Abdelkariem Golden Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    We all know that smoking tobacco has a detrimental effect on our health, and this is something that entered public consciousness back in the 1950s. Smoking has links with deadly diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and, above all else, cancer.



    However, in spite of the fact that we have it drilled into us from a very young age that smoking can kill you, over a billion people across the world continue to engage in this very lethal habit. That’s a seventh of the population who are seemingly willing to risk an earlier death simply so they can inhale smoke into their lungs.

    The good thing is, many of these smokers at some point in their lives will try to give up this dangerous habit. Some do it by quitting cold turkey, some use nicotine patches and some continue to smoke using an alternative to tobacco cigarettes.


    In fact, e-cigarettes were invented purely as a means to help people quit smoking.

    Vaping from e-cigarettes is seen as a better, less harmful alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes. And that’s because studies had shown that smoke from e-cigarettes is able to deliver the nicotine through aerosols without actually burning tobacco.


    Plus, e-cigarettes also contain organic solvents which are not hugely harmful when inhaled through the smoke. Tobacco smoke, on the other hand, contains numerous carcinogenic chemicals that arise from the tobacco being burned.

    Studies on carcinogenic chemicals had shown those who smoked e-cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco had as much as 97 percent fewer lung carcinogens in their body fluids. However, now it appears that this research seriously overlooked the potential damage that can arise from smoking e-cigarettes.


    A recent, groundbreaking study has highlighted the many risks of vaping and has even identified cancer as a potential outcome of long-term usage of the tobacco-free cigarette. They found that vaping directly causes mutations in our DNA which can then go on to develop into cancerous cells.


    Researchers at the New York University carried out an investigation in which they exposed cells from both mice and humans to smoke from an e-cigarette and detected the potential damage this might cause.


    They learned that the cells mutated and ultimately became cancerous and that this happened at a much higher rate than they anticipated.

    Essentially the smoke damaged the DNA from both the human cells, which were extracted from the bladder and lungs and the mouse cells.


    The experts found that vaping does mean that fewer carcinogenic chemicals are inhaled, but that in spite of this, vaping led to a considerable risk of lung and bladder cancers and also heart disease.

    “Based on these results, we propose that [e-cigarette vapor] is carcinogenic and that e-cig smokers have a higher risk than nonsmokers to develop lung and bladder cancer and heart diseases,” part of the research reads.


    The team of researchers from NYU will be publishing their findings later today and are hoping the findings will allow ordinary people to make an informed decision about whether or not vaping is a safer alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes.

    However, it does appear that more research needs to be conducted in this area in order to attain a more conclusive outcome. Who knows what future research will uncover…

    What certainly is conclusive, however, is that we shouldn’t, under any circumstances, be vaping Tide pods.


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