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Healthcare Industry And Technology

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Jermeen Wadie, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. Jermeen Wadie

    Jermeen Wadie Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2019
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    Practicing medicine in:

    Technology has a great effect on health care industry in the form of different medical devices in collecting data, treatments and researches.

    Medical devices
    1- X-ray, MRI and CT-scan could be examples for diagnosis.
    2- Telescopes used in most complicated surgeries as gastric sleeve and tumor removal; sometimes it could be used for discovering any diseases or tumors if it was not clear using any of the devices mentioned in the previous point.
    3- Radiotherapy devices for cancer treatment.
    4- Skin devices for hair removal using laser; others for removing blackheads, acne, wrinkles, pigments, and burns.
    5- Artificial limbs for handicapped people.
    6- Wireless brain sensors:
    Scientists created bioresorbable electronics in the form of plastics placed in the brain to measure pressure and body temperature. These sensors have the ability to dissolve which reduce the need of additional services.
    7- 3D Printing:
    Today, it is possible to reproduce bones and some internal organs using 3D printing technology. These artificial organs and bones can then be introduced into the body of the patient to replace diseased or problematic areas
    Bluetooth-enabled smart inhalers for asthmatic patients:
    As many pieces of research showed that about 50% only of patients have their condition under control, as many don't use their inhalers properly, so Bluetooth-enabled smart inhaler will solve this for asthmatic patients. It is a small device attached to the inhalers which record the date and time of drug administration. The recorded data is sent to a mobile app connected with the patient's device so the patient will be on track with their health condition

    Technology is also used in different way with the doctors to facilitate their daily work and measure their success to know how to improve themselves.

    1- Mobile apps
    Today, it is possible to monitor personal health by using nowadays innovative apps. The patient can count your calories, track your sleep patterns, monitor your heart rate or even remotely consult a physician. There are social media apps for doctors to interact, and apps that link patients to physicians for online consultation if the patient has no time for a clinic visit and the payment could be done using bank transfer through the ATM or smart wallet.

    2- Software for doctors
    Every doctor could monitor his rate by recording the number of patients visits per day and how they reached him either word of mouth, social media pages, YouTube videos or TV shows using the software after the patient fill a hard copy application with all his details.

    3- Social media platforms
    The trend in recent years is using social media platforms as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat to promote the medical services for doctors in different specialties using posts I the form of photos with catchy text, photos showing before and after in certain procedures, videos for doctors giving more information about diseases and surgeries, live videos for procedures in plastic surgery that shows immediate results as fillers and plasma and finally patients talking about their success stories for example in fighting obesity or any other diseases.


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