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How To Become A Successful Doctor ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by John Jossef, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. John Jossef

    John Jossef Bronze Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Being a doctor is a very challenging yet fulfilling career choice. But successfully completing the eight to eleven years or more of school and advanced training does not necessarily ensure success as a practicing physician. Although every patient has his own idea about what makes a doctor "good," the additional qualities listed here are generally agreed upon as being essential to becoming a successful doctor.

    Practice Good People Skills
    Aside from having technical knowledge, a good doctor must be a "people person," since the job entails a lot of interaction with patients, families, and other professionals in the field. Doctors must effectively communicate with patients, especially when patients are baffled by the complexity of their conditions. Doctors must also deliver bad to news to patients and their families. This is perhaps one of the hardest tasks that a doctor must learn to do, but learning to do so with compassion is critical to a doctor's success.

    Develop Time Management Skills
    Doctors often work in high-stress, fast-paced environments, and must know and follow their schedules to keep p with everything that is taking place around them. Good time management skills should be honed while still a student in med school. Students who make time tables and those who regularly update their planners to make sure they don't miss anything are candidates to become great doctors. Doctors who give themselves deadlines are always motivated to think faster and to find solutions right away.

    Pay Attention to Detail
    Good doctors have keen observation skills. Just like the idealized doctors you watch on TV, real doctors must possess a passion for practicing medicine. This passion leads to discoveries and solutions when it comes to diagnosis and treatment of diseases. A successful doctor always pays attention to details. This skill saves lives and allows the doctor to do his or her job more effectively.

    Continue Learning
    Doctors are lifetime students who must study incessantly---starting in school and extending throughout their careers. Successful doctors keep abreast of new information and breakthroughs in their field of medicine. Scientists are constantly investigating new topics, new cures, new treatments, and new techniques, and doctors must stay up to date.

    Read Also:

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    Doctor-Doctor Marriages – Are They a Good Idea?

    Your Guide To A Perfect Life As A Doctor

    Is It Too Late To Be A Doctor?

    How Doctors Stay Alert

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    DOCTORA Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2011
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    THANKS JOHN >> :) :) :)

  4. Dra_Mon

    Dra_Mon Super Moderator

    Mar 26, 2011
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    I'm a medical student and paramedic.
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    I think that is very important be focus in what kind of doctor want to be, because when we dont have our goal clarified is more probably that we fall in mistakes and never be succesfull. And is a fact that when we are organized people we can be more succesful in every thing that we do as a doctors, as a family members, etcetera.

    it is a very good information Doctor Jossef :mrgreen:


    MUNIRA ARJUMAN Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    thanks.these valuable words are truely nice.

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