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How to become a successful medical writer?

Discussion in 'Pre Medical Student' started by Hyndavi Mantri, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. Hyndavi Mantri

    Hyndavi Mantri Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2019
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    Practicing medicine in:

    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects technical writing jobs like scientific writing to increase by 11% by 2026. The demand for medical writing will increase because of the need to communicate enormous scientific information or data.

    Medical writing is all about communicating clinical and scientific information in written form. Anyone from medicine, pharma, and life sciences background who understands science, and is passionate about writing can become a medical writer. Most of the medical writers today find medical writing as a flexible, adventurous and well-paying career option when compared with traditional research or clinical jobs.

    To be a successful medical writer, a person should have an inclination towards research along with good writing skills and a better understanding of complex medical jargon. Apart from these, here are a few more tips that may way up your career as a successful medical writer.

    Get educated about medical writing

    “The medical communications field is very broad as well as very deep.”- Brian Bass, co-author of The Accidental Medical Writer.

    The plethora of writings is medical writing. Today, Medical writing can be broadly categorized into:

    • Scientific Writing
    • Regulatory Writing
    • Medico-marketing Writing
    • Consumer writing
    • Social media writing
    • e-Learning
    The medical writer presents information in different formats as per the understanding and requirement of the target audience. The target audiences can be physicians, scientists, regulatory bodies, and patients or the general public. Medical writing is a burgeoning field and the writer must acquire skills of writing various documents to expand the opportunities as a medical writer.

    Formal training can help

    Medical writing is a quite challenging career, especially for the people who are new to writing.

    A formal training or certification program in medical writing and healthcare communications could be of great help. It can provide the right assistance and professional expertise for anyone who intends to be a medical writer.

    Six months of dedicated training program not only increases the credibility of your profile but, also shows your commitment to excel as a medical writer. So, make sure to evaluate these points while choosing a training program:

    • Check for the experience and the quality of the training delivered by the institute.
    • Check whether the curriculum includes medical writings assignments and feedback from the experts, which provides exposure to the industry.
    Network with the like-minded crowd

    Be a part of healthcare conferences, workshops, and webinars to make the right contacts. Healthcare start-up’s , hospitals and med com companies are

    Show the world that you can write! Build an online profile (e.g.- LinkedIn) that details your proficiency in writing. Own a blog and update it regularly. These significant ways show your confidence in writing and can be a great means for a recruiter to evaluate your work before assigning you a project.

    Never miss an opportunity

    Medical writing is a skill that gets better with time and practice. To gain experience in writing it is important to have a platform to write. Pick-up part-time internships to get started. Keep exploring the freelance sites that have a provision to publish your work. Remember experience is money for a medical writer!

    Polish your knowledge and skills

    To write a flawless document, a writer must have a good command of writing. An error-free document is developed when a writer knows the rules of writing, proper usage of grammar, and sentence formation.

    Medical Writing, such as scientific writing demands the writer to be well-versed with the technical knowledge like Human anatomy and physiology, therapeutics and pharmacology. Being intact with the subject is important for a medical writer to clearly convey the information to the target audience.

    A medical writer should have hands-on over tools like Ms Office and Ms excel along with the basics understanding of statistics to present the complex data in a simpler format. The recent digital writing demands the writer to know the basics of social media marketing and content strategy, this is definitely an additional feather on your hat.

    No matter how good a medical writer you are, there is always something new to explore. It is advised for a writer to archive the things that they aren’t familiar with and gets trained on them to be a successful medical writer.

    Gain the power of being creative

    Can you remember the painting that flashes in your mind without any efforts? The art of creativity makes anything stand unique and attractive; it can be with your writings too! Not to deny, writing is an art, but it cannot stand tall without creativity in it. The writer should remember to grab the attention of the reader in less than 10 sec. Reading non-medico books like novels, following blogs, and reading interesting narratives can improve creativity in your write-ups.

    Be ethical with your profession

    Like any career, medical writing demands the writer to follow ethical practices in their work. As a writer, one must not overrule plagiarism and copyright laws. Medical writers should not present any incorrect or unapproved information in their writings. Medical writers should accept work/projects and assignments from qualified personnel. Being professional with deliverables while adhering to the timelines is the important quality of a medical writer.

    Medical writing is a stable, growing, and rewarding profession for everyone who is willing to advance their skills in the healthcare industry. A precise training to hone your skills and a passion to acquire a rewarding job can make you a part of the billion-dollar medical writing industry.

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