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How To Get Licence To Practice As A Physician In Dubai, UAE

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Dubai is the capital of Gulf Area now, many people in different fields aim to travel there either for work or for tourism. Doctors also prefer to work in Dubai as lifestyle there is very good for them with less stress and average doctors salary in Dubai is very good too in comparison with other options, here we are going to discuss steps to work as a doctor in Dubai.

    The Licensing Department (LD) at The Center for Healthcare Planning and Quality (CPQ) is the body that reviews all professional licensure applications for Dubai Healthcare City. Additionally, the LD serves as a data repository for licensing credentials, submits documents for primary source verification and makes recommendation to the Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC) Licensing Board. The Licensing Board is the final authority for all actions on the professional license. Applications for Medical/Dental, Nursing and Allied Health Professional Licenses are available on the DHCC website

    It is highly recommended for staff to apply for professional licenses once the Provisional Clinical Operating Permit is issued. The process of primary source verification, during the licensure process, may take several months to complete. Therefore, it is imperative that professional licensing application process run in parallel with the Clinical Operating Process. The following guidelines serve to familiarize the applicant with DHCC’s licensing requirements.

    Guidelines for Physician Licensure Application

    OPTION ONE: In addition to licensure requirements as per the application form, all of the following education and training criteria must be met: For General Practice Licensure
    a) Completion of six years of education in a college or university, of which at least four years are devoted to formal medical education; and
    b) Completion of at least one academic year of supervised clinical training sponsored by a WHO listed medical school; and
    c) Completion of all formal requirements for the degree corresponding to doctor of medicine in a WHO listed medical school and being awarded the degree of doctor of medicine or its equivalent; and
    d) Completion of at least one year of post graduate clinical training sponsored by a WHO listed medical school or a legally accredited hospital; and
    e) Having received a medical license in one of the countries on the DHCC list of approved countries in which the applicant has spent at least two years in WHO listed medical school or clinical training OR
    f) Completed at least two years of clinical training in one of the countries on the DHCC list of approved countries after being granted the degree of Doctor of Medicine or its equivalent For Specialty Licensure a) Requirements “a” through “d” and b) Having received a medical license in one of the countries on the DHCC list of approved countries in which the applicant has spent at least two years in WHO listed medical school or clinical training OR c) Having Specialty Board Certification, Fellowship in the Royal College or substantially equivalent status in good standing in a country on the DHCC list of approved countries.

    OPTION TWO: In addition to licensure requirements as per the application form, all of the following education and training criteria must be met: For General Practice Licensure
    a) Requirements “a” through “d” as stated in Option One
    b) Currently practicing as a recognized primary care physician, but not ever licensed by a country on the DHCC list of approved countries.
    c) Consistent practice for a minimum of 5 years.
    d) Submission on two affidavits signed by physicians licensed in the applicant’s country of practice, who can attest to his fitness to practice, based upon their own personal knowledge of his practice.
    e) CME requirement of 50 accredited hours within the last two years.
    f) Successful completion of an examination specified by the Licensing Board For Specialty Licensure a) Requirements “a” through “d” as stated in Option One b) Minimum of 3 years training in their specialty in a state or nationally accredited training program (hospital or medical school) with an appropriate verifiable certification in the specialty being applied for in a country not on the DHCC list of approved countries c) Consistent practice in the proposed specialty for a minimum of 5 years practice d) Submission of two affidavits (provided by CPQ) signed by physicians licensed in the jurisdiction in which the applicant is currently practicing, of which of at least one must be of a supervisory position (i.e. chief of service, department head). These affidavits should support the requirement that the majority of the applicant’s practice is in the specialty they are seeking and that the applicant is of good standing e) CME requirement of 50 accredited hours related to their field of practice within the last two years. f) Successful completion of an examination specified by the Licensing Board Once the above is met in Option two, the candidate may be granted an Interim License. An Interim License automatically converts to an unconditional license at the end of one year provided that the Licensing Board receives the following: a) Written confirmation from the applicant that in the previous year he continues to meet all licensing requirements of the DHCC b) Quarterly assessments from DHCC licensees supporting the applicant’s performance for consideration for unconditional licensure based on the assessment provided by the LB c) A favorable independent or CPQ Quality department review of the applicant’s performance as an interim licensee if deemed necessary.

    The following countries have been currently designated a DHCC Approved Country for Physician Licensing: • Australia • Italy • Switzerland • Austria • Japan • Taiwan • Belgium • Luxemburg • Turkey • Canada • Monaco • United Kingdom • DenmarkNetherlands • United States • FinlandNew Zealand • American University of Beirut (chartered) • France • Norway • Germany • Singapore • Greece • South Africa • Hong Kong • Spain • Ireland • Sweden

    The following examinations have been designated as DHCC Approved Physician Exams:

    • Australian Medical Council Exam – • TRAS (Ireland -Temporary Registration Assessment Scheme) Parts I, II, and III –

    • PLAB (UK) Parts I and II –

    USMLE (US) Parts I and II (CK) –

    Average Doctors Salary In Dubai

    • Applicants certified by ECFMG are eligible for consideration without being required to pass an additional examination.

    • Applicants who have passed Parts I and II of the Royal College exams are eligible for consideration without being required to pass an additional examination.

    • Applicants who have passed the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam Parts I and II are eligible for consideration without being required to pass as additional exam.



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    Aymanhassanien and Dr Tawheed like this.

  2. Erasy Tiesen Mumoye

    Erasy Tiesen Mumoye Active member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    How about P.R.C?

    BISHAL and Sofia Santareno like this.
  3. Shahid Dar

    Shahid Dar Famous Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    BISHAL Young Member

    Feb 11, 2014
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    I'm doing my residency in radiology from China. What about China??

  5. binnie nzox

    binnie nzox Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    thanx for information

  6. Dr Nadeem

    Dr Nadeem Young Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I have just cleared my mrcp part 2 can I apply without giving dha exam?

  7. Adeniji Badrudeen

    Adeniji Badrudeen Young Member

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Practicing medicine in:
    Please How Can One Get Licence To Practice As A Physician In Qatar

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