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How to Prevent Baldness with Food

Discussion in 'Dermatology' started by Egyptian Doctor, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Baldness, particularly male pattern baldness, is commonly a hereditary condition, but there are other factors to may contribute to it other than genetics. A poor diet can lead to unhealthy hair and scalp that can make hair thin and cause baldness. Psychological and physical stress and a toxic lifestyle also contribute to hair loss.

    Poor nutrition and deficiencies can cause you to lose hair, particularly deficiency in iron, protein, and vitamin B12. Iron is necessary for healthy blood circulation and production of red blood cells, which are needed to carry oxygen to every cell in the body. Tiny blood vessels are found at the base of every hair follicle and are the ones responsible for pushing the cells out of the follicle to form the hair strands, made of mostly protein known as keratin. Healthy blood circulation in the hair follicles promotes healthy hair growth. Foods that are rich in iron include red meat, seafood, egg yolks, liver, soy, beans, lentils and chickpeas.

    Inadequate intake of protein can also cause hair to become thin or patchy. Sufficient protein is needed to have a full head of hair since hair strands are basically made up of protein fibers. Going on a low-protein diet will cause your body to use available protein for more essential functions such as rebuilding cells in your body, depriving your hair of the needed keratin. Healthy sources of protein that promote healthy and strong hair include tofu, milk, cottage cheese, walnuts, almonds, fish, and spinach.

    Drinking green tea may help block out Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) the hormone responsible for hair loss or male pattern baldness. Drinking water regularly and hydrating the body is also vital for well-nourished hair and for replenishing minerals needed to keep the hair growing. Other foods that help prevent hair loss include carbohydrates like whole grains, molasses, and oats.

    Silica is important for preventing hair from thinning and for making the hair shiny. It can be found in alfalfa, nettles, and oats. Inositol is a B vitamin that can prevent balding and promote hair growth. It can be found in liver and kidneys. Vitamin E encourages the growth of new blood vessels and promotes healthy circulation in the body helping to grow hair. Sunflower seeds, paprika, pine nuts, almonds and peanuts are all rich in vitamin E.



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