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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Myisha Trammell, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. Myisha Trammell

    Myisha Trammell Young Member

    Jul 17, 2019
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    What's crazy is everyone coming on this site saying how long they have been on dialysis or their family member and how they really need this bionoc kidney. Or however you spell it. And are willing to be a lab rat and volunteer for clinical trials. The government still making money on behalf of our illness. Which is sad, it sure is nice to have a cure for your illness. Everyone wants this device or should I say need. Everyone can't afford to up and pay for this or turn too someone and ask buy me one. Guess what I have? You wouldn't guess it, it's called lupus. Which I'm not going to complain or beg for help or information. Being in pain everday since I was 17yrs old with a weak immune system and now 30yrs old. And yeah Im on dialysis over time my kidney began failing. So while ya'll complaining look at me or anyone else that is in a worst condition than yourself.

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