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Sambany Before and After Surgery

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Ghada Ali youssef, Jan 7, 2017.

  1. Ghada Ali youssef

    Ghada Ali youssef Golden Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    He walked for three days and spent over four hours in a car to arrive there, but what a Madagascar man named Sambany found once he arrived was literally life changing. This is the inspirational story of a man who was so desperate for help, he risked everything to see if there was someone out there who could end his suffering.

    You see, when he was a little boy, Sambany noticed a small growth on this left cheek. He thought nothing of it, and went on with his life. That was over four DECADES ago. Without warning, the tumor started to grow larger and larger, eventually weighing in at over 16 pounds!

    This Is Sambany Before and after

    So when he heard that the international health charity Mercy Ships was coming to his country, Sambany made it his goal to contact them. Thus the three day journey on foot, and a four hour car ride to the coast. There, surgeons were able to treat the man, removing the huge growth in an operation that took twice as long as doctors anticipated.

    It Took A Staff This Size To Remove The Tumor

    According to Mercy Ships, it was the largest tumor their staff has ever dealt with in the over 30 years they’ve been in business. For them, Sambany epitomizes what the charity is all about. While he still has a long way to go before he achieves a full recovery, there is only one emotion filling Sambany’s heart these days – joy. Upon seeing his face sans the massive growth, he told the Daily Mail UK this: “I like it. I am happy.” We feel the same way.

    Here Is Mercy Ship’s Story About Sambany


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