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Secrets Behind Vampire Facial

Discussion in 'Dermatology' started by Sara Elsaeed, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. Sara Elsaeed

    Sara Elsaeed Young Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Of course, all of us want to minimize his or her facial lines or wrinkles without surgery, but how can we do this?
    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is becoming more trendy as a treatment option for multiple medical disorders such as orthopedic to relieve pain, promotes healing in musculoskeletal diseases such
    as, “arthritis and ligament sprains”, maxillofacial surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, burns, cosmetics, and plastic surgery.
    But, the most important as a promising adjunct is scar management and skin rejuvenation.

    What Is Platelet-rich Plasma(PRP)?
    platelet-rich plasma is an autologous preparation of platelet in concentrated plasma, it is the liquid part of blood, derived from an individual’s whole blood after centrifugation to remove red blood cells. The remaining plasma contains 5-10 fold higher concentrations of growth factors such as (PDGF-TEGF-IGF), and cytokines that are responsible for promoting natural healing and fibroblast collagen synthesis.

    Vampire Facial.

    Vampire facials which also called PRP Facials, it is a medical rather than cosmetic procedures, the medical team takes a sample of your blood, then after blood centrifugation process and getting Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), they spread it on your face, then uses micro-needling to help your face absorb the PRP, that increases the collagen level not only by the growth factors. But also by the skin needling process.

    How Can we Enhance PRP Result?
    For the facial areas which have deeper lines and wrinkles, we may need to inject hyaluronic acid and botox help to restore volume that the face loses with age.

    What Are The Differences Between PRP And Regular Micro-needling?
    Micro-needling is also a cosmetic procedure that used also to minimize aging signs. PRP has more advantages than micro-needling, it helps improving healing faster and decreases redness and swelling duration; therefore, it helps you to achieve your desired result faster and in a more effective way.

    Using PRP For Hair Loss.

    Platelet-rich Plasma has shown remarkable effects in the treatment of androgenic alopecia (which is a hereditary disorder more common in men than women.) and hair loss. It is injected subcutaneously in the area of alopecia to deliver growth factors directly on the scalp, causing improvement in the functions of the hair follicle and also stimulate hair growth.

    Contraindications For PRP Using.
    Generally, it is a very safe procedure. And very rare cases were reported.
    1- Hemodynamic instability.
    2- Severe hypovolemia.
    3- Unstable angina and sepsis.
    4- Patients on anticoagulant or fibrinolytic drug therapy.
    5- Acute and chronic infections.
    6- Chronic Skin or liver diseases.

    PRP Injection Frequency.

    It differs from one case to another, but mainly it consists of three times injection every 4-6 weeks, then maintenance therapy every 4-6 months.



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    Last edited: Sep 7, 2019

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