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Standard Pathway (AMC Examination)

Discussion in 'AMC' started by Egyptian Doctor, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    The AMC administers national examinations of overseas-trained medical practitioners who want to practise medicine in Australia.

    The AMC Examinations are designed to assess the medical knowledge and clinical skills of overseas-trained doctors whose basic medical qualifications are not recognised by the Medical Board of Australia; that is, doctors trained in medical schools that have not been formally reviewed and accredited by the AMC.

    The examinations are set at the level of attainment of medical knowledge, clinical skills and attitudes required of newly qualified graduates of Australian medical schools who are about to begin intern training.

    The AMC Examinations consist of two sections: a MCQ examination and a clinical examination:

    • The MCQ Examination is a computer-administered fully integrated examination, delivered in one (3.5 hour) session and consists of:
      • 150 A-type MCQs (one correct response from five options).
      • 120 scored MCQs and 30 pilot (non-scored) MCQs.
    • The MCQ Examinations are conducted in examination centres in Australia and worldwide.
    • The MCQ Examination focuses on essential medical knowledge involving understanding of the disease process; clinical examination, diagnosis and investigation; therapy and management; as well as on the candidate's ability to exercise discrimination, judgement and reasoning in distinguishing between the correct diagnosis and plausible alternatives.
    • The AMC Clinical Examination evaluates clinical competence in medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional attitudes for the safe and effective clinical practice of medicine in the Australian community. The AMC Clinical Examination is in the form of a multi-station structured clinical assessment of clinical skills. Disciplines covered include medicine and surgery; obstetrics and gynaecology; paediatrics and psychiatry. Candidates are scheduled for a single morning or afternoon examination.

      The AMC Clinical Examination also assesses the candidates capacity to communicate with patients, their families and other health workers.

    The examinations are designed as a comprehensive test of medical knowledge, clinical competency and performance. Both are multidisciplinary and integrated.

    The range of topics covered is based on the clinical curricula of Australian medical schools, with an emphasis on conditions that are common in the Australian community. The AMC's Board of Examiners ensures that the format and content of the examinations are consistent with undergraduate medical courses and the standard of examinations in Australian medical schools. Members of the Board have broad expertise over the full range of disciplines covered in the AMC and medical school examinations.

    Source : International Medical Graduates Home

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