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Statin therapy

Discussion in 'Pharmacology' started by Valery1957, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. Valery1957

    Valery1957 Famous Member

    Jan 10, 2019
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    2532 Vol 388 November 19, 2016
    Interpretation of the evidence for the efficacy and safety of
    statin therapy
    Rory Collins, Christina Reith, Jonathan Emberson, Jane Armitage, Colin Baigent, Lisa Blackwell, Roger Blumenthal, John Danesh, George Davey Smith,
    David DeMets, Stephen Evans, Malcolm Law, Stephen MacMahon, Seth Martin, Bruce Neal, Neil Poulter, David Preiss, Paul Ridker, Ian Roberts,
    Anthony Rodgers, Peter Sandercock, Kenneth Schulz, Peter Sever, John Simes, Liam Smeeth, Nicholas Wald, Salim Yusuf, Richard Peto
    This Review is intended to help clinicians, patients, and the public make informed decisions about statin therapy for
    the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. It explains how the evidence that is available from randomised controlled
    trials yields reliable information about both the effi cacy and safety of statin therapy. In addition, it discusses how
    claims that statins commonly cause adverse effects reflect a failure to recognise the limitations of other sources of
    evidence about the effects of treatment. Large-scale evidence from randomised trials shows that statin therapy reduces
    the risk of major vascular events (ie, coronary deaths or myocardial infarctions, strokes, and coronary revascularisation
    procedures) by about one-quarter for each mmol/L reduction in LDL cholesterol during each year (after the first) that
    it continues to be taken. The absolute benefits of statin therapy depend on an individual’s absolute risk of occlusive
    vascular events and the absolute reduction in LDL cholesterol that is achieved. For example, lowering LDL cholesterol
    by 2 mmol/L (77 mg/dL) with an eff ective low-cost statin regimen (eg, atorvastatin 40 mg daily, costing about £2 per
    month) for 5 years in 10 000 patients would typically prevent major vascular events from occurring in about
    1000 patients (ie, 10% absolute benefi t) with pre-existing occlusive vascular disease (secondary prevention) and in
    500 patients (ie, 5% absolute benefi t) who are at increased risk but have not yet had a vascular event (primary
    prevention). Statin therapy has been shown to reduce vascular disease risk during each year it continues to be taken,
    so larger absolute benefi ts would accrue with more prolonged therapy, and these benefi ts persist long term. The only
    serious adverse events that have been shown to be caused by long-term statin therapy—ie, adverse eff ects of the
    statin—are myopathy (defined as muscle pain or weakness combined with large increases in blood concentrations
    of creatine kinase), new-onset diabetes mellitus, and, probably, haemorrhagic stroke. Typically, treatment
    of 10 000 patients for 5 years with an eff ective regimen (eg, atorvastatin 40 mg daily) would cause about 5 cases of
    myopathy (one of which might progress, if the statin therapy is not stopped, to the more severe condition of
    rhabdomyolysis), 50–100 new cases of diabetes, and 5–10 haemorrhagic strokes. However, any adverse impact
    of these side-eff ects on major vascular events has already been taken into account in the estimates of the absolute
    benefits. Statin therapy may cause symptomatic adverse events (eg, muscle pain or weakness) in up to about
    50–100 patients (ie, 0·5–1·0% absolute harm) per 10 000 treated for 5 years. However, placebo-controlled randomised
    trials have shown defi nitively that almost all of the symptomatic adverse events that are attributed to statin therapy in
    routine practice are not actually caused by it (ie, they represent misattribution). The large-scale evidence available
    from randomised trials also indicates that it is unlikely that large absolute excesses in other serious adverse events
    still await discovery. Consequently, any further fi ndings that emerge about the eff ects of statin therapy would not be
    expected to alter materially the balance of benefi ts and harms. It is, therefore, of concern that exaggerated claims
    about side-eff ect rates with statin therapy may be responsible for its under-use among individuals at increased risk of
    cardiovascular events. For, whereas the rare cases of myopathy and any muscle-related symptoms that are attributed
    to statin therapy generally resolve rapidly when treatment is stopped, the heart attacks or strokes that may occur if
    statin therapy is stopped unnecessarily can be devastating.
    Used appropriately, modern medical therapies have the
    potential to prevent a large proportion of the burden of
    cardiovascular disease. However, their appropriate use
    relies on the availability of robust data on safety and
    efficacy, as well as on a sound understanding of the
    interpretation and application of such evidence.
    Randomised controlled trials of adequate size are
    needed to be confi dent that any moderate benefits and
    any moderate harms of a treatment have been assessed
    sufficiently reliably.1–4 In certain circumstances, available
    evidence from randomised trials about the eff ects of a
    treatment may be limited (perhaps because it is deemed
    not possible or too diffi cult to do adequate trials).2
    However, the particular context that this Review
    addresses is the appropriate interpretation of evidence
    about the safety and effi cacy of a treatment when
    randomised trials of it have been conducted in large
    numbers of many diff erent types of patient (as is the case
    for statin therapy), as well as the additional value of
    information from observational studies based on cohorts,
    health-care databases, or other sources.3–5 Not only have
    the limitations of observational studies4,6–9 often been
    underestimated when attributing adverse effects to
    treatment (such as misleading claims that statins cause
    side-effects in one-fi fth of patients10–12), but also the
    strengths of randomised trials with masked treatment
    allocation and systematic ascertainment of many
    Lancet 2016; 388: 2532–61
    Published Online
    September 8, 2016
    Clinical Trial Service Unit &
    Epidemiological Studies Unit
    and MRC Population Health
    Research Unit, Nuffield
    Department of Population
    Health, University of Oxford,
    Oxford, UK (Prof R Collins FRS,
    C Reith FRCP (Glasg.),
    J Emberson PhD,
    Prof J Armitage FRCP,
    Prof C Baigent FRCP,
    L Blackwell BSc, D Preiss PhD,
    Prof R Peto FRS); Ciccarone
    Center for the Prevention of
    heart disease, Division of
    Cardiology, Johns Hopkins
    University School of Medicine,
    Baltimore, MD, USA
    (Prof R Blumenthal MD,
    S Martin MD); MRC/BHF
    Cardiovascular Epidemiology
    Unit, Department of Public
    Health and Primary Care,
    University of Cambridge,
    Cambridge, UK
    (Prof J Danesh FMedSci); MRC
    Integrative Epidemiology Unit,
    University of Bristol, Bristol,
    UK (Prof G Davey Smith DSc);
    Department of Biostatistics
    and Medical Informatics,
    University of Wisconsin,
    Madison, WI, USA
    (Prof D DeMets PhD);
    Department of Medical
    Statistics (Prof S Evans MSc),
    Clinical Trials Unit
    (Prof I Roberts PhD), and
    Department of NonCommunicable Disease
    (Prof L Smeeth FRCGP), London
    School of Hygiene & Tropical
    Medicine, University of
    London, London, UK; Wolfson
    Institute of Preventive
    Medicine, Barts and The
    London School of Medicine and
    Dentistry, Queen Mary
    University of London, London,
    UK (Prof M Law FRCP,
    Prof N Wald FRS); The George
    Institute for Global Health
    (Prof S MacMahon FMedSci,
    Review Vol 388 November 19, 2016 2533
    Prof B Neal PhD,
    Prof A Rodgers MBChB), and the
    National Health and Medical
    Research Council Clinical Trial
    Centre (Prof J Simes MD),
    University of Sydney, Sydney,
    Australia; International Centre
    for Circulatory Health &
    Imperial Clinical Trials Unit
    (Prof N Poulter FMedSci), and
    the International Centre for
    Circulatory Health, National
    Heart and Lung Institute
    (Prof P Sever FRCP), Imperial
    College London, London, UK;
    Center for Cardiovascular
    Disease Prevention, Brigham
    and Women’s Hospital, Harvard
    Medical School, Boston, MA,
    USA (Prof P Ridker MD); Centre
    for Clinical Brain Sciences,
    University of Edinburgh,
    Edinburgh, UK
    (Prof P Sandercock DM); FHI
    360, University of North
    Carolina School of Medicine,
    University of North Carolina,
    Chapel Hill, NC, USA
    (Prof K Schulz PhD); and
    Population Health Research
    Institute, Hamilton Health
    Sciences and McMaster
    University, Hamilton, ON,
    Canada (Prof S Yusuf DPhil)
    Correspondence to:
    Prof Rory Collins, Nuffield
    Department of Population
    Health, University of Oxford,
    Richard Doll Building, Old Road
    Campus, Oxford OX3 7LF, UK
    [email protected]
    different types of adverse event have been underestimated for the reliable assessment of the safety and
    efficacy of treatment.3,9,13–15
    This Review first considers the generic strengths and
    limitations of randomised trials and observational studies
    for assessing the effects of treatment, and then considers
    the specifi c evidence that is available on the efficacy and
    safety of statin therapy. It concludes by considering the
    public health implications of the failure to recognise the
    full benefits of using statin therapy and of the exaggerated
    claims that have been made about the rates of side-effects.
    Randomised controlled trials: strengths and
    weaknesses for assessing the benefi ts and harms
    of treatment (panel 1)
    Like-with-like comparisons within randomised trials
    The key strength of randomised controlled trials is that
    the process of randomisation results in groups of patients
    who diff er from each other only by the play of chance with
    respect to their risks of having all types of health outcome
    (ie, the randomised treatment groups are balanced with
    respect to both known and unknown risk factors,
    irrespective of whether or not these have been
    assessed).3,9,13–16 In addition, masking assignment of study
    treatment with a placebo minimises the differential
    assessment of adverse events between the study treatment
    groups following randomisation.17,18 Continued follow-up
    of all randomised patients (even if some stop taking their
    assigned treatment) maintains the like-with-like
    comparison produced by the randomisation process
    (since, for example, the patients who stop may differ
    between the randomised groups).3 Consequently, subject
    to statistical tests of the likely impact of chance, the
    observed diff erences in the rates of health outcomes
    between the randomly assigned patient groups within a
    trial (ie, intention-to-treat comparisons) can be attributed
    causally to diff erences in the study treatment.
    Information about a health outcome does not need to
    be obtained in the same way in the different randomised
    trials of an intervention (eg, different statin trials recorded
    muscle-related outcomes differently; appendix) for the
    comparisons of the rates of the outcome between the
    randomly allocated groups within each separate trial to
    provide unbiased assessments of any real effects of the
    treatment. However, biases can be introduced by making
    non-randomised comparisons between rates of events
    across different trials, not only because the outcome
    definitions may differ but also because the types of patient
    studied and the duration of follow-up may differ. Such
    between-trial comparisons may be seriously misleading,19
    which is the reason why meta-analysis of randomised
    trials involves statistical methods that are based on the
    within-trial diff erences in a particular outcome.20,21
    Robustness for detecting real treatment effects
    It has been suggested that ascertainment of adverse
    events in randomised trials may not be sufficiently
    specific or sensitive to detect adverse eff ects of treatment
    reliably.11,12,22–24 However, comparisons within randomised
    trials with unbiased ascertainment of outcomes between
    the treatment groups are robust against both overascertainment and under-ascertainment.25 For example,
    if the study treatment produced a 20% proportional
    decrease (or increase) in the rate of an outcome that
    occurred in 10% of control patients, then (as shown in
    table 1) the ability to detect such an eff ect in a randomised
    trial of 20 000 patients would not be much altered by the
    random addition of 10–20% of reported events that were
    not actually the outcome of interest (ie, false positives).
    Likewise, similar amounts of under-ascertainment (ie,
    false negatives), would not materially aff ect the ability to
    detect such effects in a trial. Moreover, these false
    positives would have little or no impact on estimates of
    the absolute eff ects, and the false negatives would have
    limited impact. The robustness of these within-trial
    randomised comparisons applies not only to the
    detection of beneficial effects, but also to the detection of
    harms that a treatment might cause (such as any musclerelated symptoms with statin therapy).
    It has been suggested that, when data for some types
    of health outcome are not available from all of the
    relevant randomised trials of a treatment, this will bias
    the assessment of its effects.11,26,27 However, although
    some of these trials may have recorded all types of
    health outcome reported by the participating patients,
    See Online for appendix
    Panel 1: Contribution of randomised trials for assessing
    treatment effects
    Like-with-like patient comparisons
    Randomisation results in groups of patients that differ from
    each other only by the play of chance with respect to their
    risks of suffering all types of health outcome, so observed
    diff erences in rates of health outcomes can generally be
    attributed causally to diff erences in study treatment.
    Like-with-like outcome comparisons
    Non-diff erential outcome ascertainment between the
    randomised treatment groups within a trial helps to minimise
    bias in the assessment of treatment eff ects. It can be
    enhanced by masking, which is likely to be of most value for
    symptomatic adverse events that are subjective.
    Robustness for detecting effects
    Comparisons within randomised trials with unbiased
    ascertainment of outcomes between treatment groups are
    robust for the detection of both benefi cial and harmful
    effects of treatment.
    Generalisability of evidence
    Randomised trials with different eligibility criteria that involve
    large numbers of many diff erent types of patient (ideally
    combined in meta-analyses of individual patient data) can
    provide reliable information about treatment effects that can
    be widely generalised to different circumstances .
    2534 Vol 388 November 19, 2016
    others may have only recorded those outcomes that
    were considered serious (typically defi ned as resulting
    in admission to hospital or death), perhaps because
    previous trials had ruled out material diff erences in less
    serious outcomes. If information on a particular
    outcome is not available from a randomised trial
    because it was not recorded that would not bias
    assessment of the eff ects of the treatment based on
    trials that did record the outcome. Also, if randomised
    trials have already reported results based on large
    numbers of occurrences of a particular outcome (as
    with muscle-related outcomes in statin trials; appendix)
    then the inclusion of any unpublished data from other
    trials that did record such outcomes is not likely to
    materially alter the assessment of the eff ect of the
    treatment on that outcome.
    Intention-to-treat analyses based on comparisons
    between all randomised patients, irrespective of whether
    they were adherent to their assigned study treatment (ie,
    stopped taking the active drug or, if assigned to the control
    group, started taking it), will tend to underestimate the
    effects produced by actually taking the treatment. However,
    rather than using potentially biased on-treatment
    comparisons among only those patients who took their
    assigned study treatment, more appropriate allowance can
    be made by applying an approximate estimate of the level
    of adherence to estimates of the treatment effects provided
    by the intention-to-treat comparisons.28 For example, if the
    average adherence to treatment assignment is two-thirds
    and the observed relative risk reduction (or increase) is
    20%, then the adjusted estimate of the eff ect of actual use
    of the treatment would be a 30% proportional reduction
    (or increase).
    Specificity versus sensitivity of composite outcomes
    When there is clear evidence that a treatment produces
    effects on the incidence of diff erent types of outcome
    that are in the same direction and of similar magnitude
    (eg, the reductions in coronary events, strokes, and
    revascularisations produced by statin therapy29–34),
    combination of these outcomes in a composite outcome
    (eg, major vascular events in the statin trials) may well
    provide more robust assessments of the eff ects of the
    treatment because they involve larger numbers of events
    than for any of the constituent outcomes. That does not
    necessarily mean that—when deciding whether the
    absolute benefi ts of the treatment outweigh the harms
    for any particular type of patient (eg, offering statin
    therapy to individuals at lower vs higher risk of
    cardiovascular events)—equal weight should be given to
    the diff erent components of such composite outcomes.
    Instead, such analyses of composite outcomes may allow
    more reliable evidence to emerge about the effects of the
    treatment in diff erent circumstances (eg, the similar
    proportional reductions in major vascular events that
    have been found with statin therapy among many
    diff erent types of patient;29–34 figure 1).
    However, when a treatment has eff ects on different
    outcomes that diff er in direction, then their combination
    in a composite outcome will reduce the ability to detect
    these outcome-specific effects and limit generalisability
    of the analyses.35–38 For example, if a treatment reduces
    the incidence of ischaemic strokes but increases the
    incidence of haemorrhagic strokes (as appears to be the
    case for statin therapy31,39) then the adverse effect on
    haemorrhagic strokes may be missed by an assessment
    based on the composite of all stroke types since ischaemic
    strokes occur more commonly in most circumstances.
    By contrast, the assessment of the eff ects of the treatment
    on ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes considered
    separately would not only be more sensitive to any
    benefits and harms, but it would also yield fi ndings that
    are more readily generalised to different settings (as with
    the use of aspirin in primary and secondary prevention40).
    Likewise, if treatment produced similar proportional
    reductions in vascular mortality and increases in nonvascular mortality, then the effect on the composite
    outcome of all-cause mortality would depend on the
    ratio of vascular to non-vascular deaths in a particular
    setting: the treatment would appear to be beneficial
    when vascular deaths predominated, but harmful
    when non-vascular deaths predominated. Instead, the
    application of the proportional reductions and increases
    in the separate causes of death to the expected rates of
    these outcomes in the population of interest would yield
    estimates of the absolute effects of treatment on each
    type of death and, thus, of the net effect on survival for
    particular types of individual (as is described later in the
    context of statin therapy).4,41
    The lack of sensitivity and generalisability of composite
    outcomes can be even more problematic when they
    (n=10 000)
    (n=10 000)
    800 (8·0%) 1000 (10·0%) 20% 2·0% 4·9
    Extra false outcomes (evenly distributed†)
    +20% 890 (8·9%) 1090 (10·9%) 18%
    980 (9·8%) 1180 (11·8%) 17% 2·0%
    2·0% 4·7
    Missing real outcomes (unevenly distributed†)
    –20% 720 (7·2%)
    640 (6·4%) 900 (9·0%)
    800 (8·0%) 20%
    20% 1·8%
    1·6% 4·6
    *For context, a Z score of 4·0 is equivalent to a p value of <0·0001. †The numbers
    of participants in whom true events would not have occurred would be slightly
    diff erent between the treatment groups, but this produces little imbalance in the
    numbers of false events that can be recorded among such patients in the two
    treatment groups when true events are relatively uncommon (as in this example).
    Consequently, false events have been approximately evenly distributed because
    they would not be aff ected by treatment assignment. By contrast, there would be
    fewer real outcomes to be missed in the active treatment group (since the
    treatment reduces the rate of the outcome), so the numbers of missed real
    outcome events are unevenly distributed between the treatment groups.
    Table 1: Illustrative example of the robustness to misclassified outcomes
    (false positives) and missing outcomes (false negatives) of within-trial
    comparisons of the effects of treatment in randomised controlled trials
    Review Vol 388 November 19, 2016 2535
    involve very disparate outcomes. It has been suggested
    that the assessment of statin therapy should be based on
    the composite outcome of all serious adverse events of any
    kind (eg, mixing vascular outcomes that are known to be
    prevented by statin therapy with outcomes in
    gastrointestinal, genitourinary, neuropsychiatric, and
    other systems that may not be affected).11 A key problem
    with such an approach is that it can prevent the
    identification of both specific benefits and specific hazards
    of treatment. For example, analyses of specific outcomes
    among the 25 673 randomised patients in the THRIVE
    trial were able to detect that niacin therapy (nicotinic acid)
    is associated with unexpected hazards (ie, increases in
    serious infections and bleeding)42 that would have been
    missed by analyses based on a composite of adverse events
    (as in the case of the AIM-HIGH trial43 of niacin).
    Consideration of the eff ects of treatment on specific
    outcomes allows any diff erences in its eff ects to be
    determined, and its use can then be appropriately targeted
    at those who are likely to get more benefi t than harm.
    Figure 1: Similar proportional reductions in risks of major vascular events per mmol/L LDL cholesterol reduction in randomised trials of statin therapy among
    people with different presenting characteristics
    Adapted from CTT Collaboration website. RRs are plotted for the combined comparisons of MVE rate in randomised trials of routine statin therapy versus no routine
    statin therapy and of more versus less intensive statin therapy, weighted per 1·0 mmol/L LDL cholesterol reduction at 1 year. The size of the squares is proportional to
    the numbers of events recorded (ie, statistical information) in the particular comparison. CHD=coronary heart disease. RR=rate ratio. MVE=major vascular event.
    0·5 0·75 1 1·25
    Total number
    of MVEs
    Presenting characteristics Annual event rate
    in control arm
    (% per year)
    RR (CI) per 1 mmol/L
    reduction in
    LDL cholesterol
    p value for
    or trend
    99% CI 95% CI
    <2·5 5256 4·3
    ≥2·5 to <3·0 4182 4·0
    ≥3·0 to <3.5 4604 4·1
    ≥3·5 10 563 3·9
    ≤65 13 623 3·6
    >65 to ≤75 9211 4·6
    >75 2123 5·5
    Male 19 922 4·4
    Female 5035 3·0
    CHD 19 097 5·6
    Non-CHD vascular 1529 3·7
    None 4331 1·8
    Type 1 diabetes 337 6·0
    Type 2 diabetes 5621 5·1
    No diabetes 18 862 4·0
    Yes 13 939 4·5
    No 10 471 3·5
    Current smokers 5225 4·7
    Non-smokers 19 728 3·9
    <5% 421 0·6
    ≥5 to <10% 1453 1·6
    ≥10 to <20% 7810 3·5
    ≥20 to <30% 9028 5·8
    ≥30% 6245 9·8
    All patients 24 957 4·0
    Pre-treatment LDL cholesterol (mmol/L)
    Age (years)
    History of vascular disease
    Treated hypertension
    Smoking status
    5-year MVE risk 0·78 (0·69-0·89)
    0·77 (0·70-0·85)
    0·76 (0·70-0·82)
    0·80 (0·77-0·84)
    0·78 (0·75-0·82)
    0·79 (0·74-0·83)
    0·87 (0·76-0·99)
    0·78 (0·75-0·81)
    0·84 (0·78-0·91)
    0·79 (0·76-0·82)
    0·83 (0·73-0·94)
    0·75 (0·69-0·82)
    0·77 (0·58-1·01)
    0·80 (0·74-0·86)
    0·78 (0·76-0·82)
    0·80 (0·77-0·84)
    0·77 (0·73-0·81)
    0·79 (0·73-0·85)
    0·79 (0·76-0·82)
    0·62 (0·47-0·81)
    0·69 (0·60-0·79)
    0·79 (0·74-0·85)
    0·81 (0·77-0·86)
    0·79 (0·74-0·84)
    0·79 (0·77-0·81)
    LDL cholesterol
    lowering worse
    LDL cholesterol
    lowering better
    For the CTT Collaboration
    website see www.
    2536 Vol 388 November 19, 2016
    Value of meta-analyses of randomised trials
    Meta-analyses of randomised trials may be required when
    the eff ects of a treatment on some particular outcome are
    likely to be moderate and too few cases of it have occurred
    in any individual trial to assess the effects sufficiently
    reliably.3,20,44–47 For example, table 2 shows that a metaanalysis of 100 000 randomised patients (as is available for
    statin therapy33) would have 90% statistical power at p=0·01
    to detect an absolute excess of 0·5% in the incidence of
    events that occur in 5% of patients in the control group (ie,
    a 10% proportional increase) and an absolute excess of 1%
    for events that occur in 20% of patients in the control

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  2. Valery1957

    Valery1957 Famous Member

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Practicing medicine in:
    Science News
    from research organizations

    Study explaining side effects of statins finds drug can have unexpected benefits
    Statins can be beneficial during heart attacks and cancer cell metastasis
    March 19, 2019
    University of Toledo
    By suppressing the activity of key cellular receptors called G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their interacting partners called G proteins, statins have the potential to alter various bodily functions controlled by this important pathway, according to researchers.
    University of Toledo. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Mithila Tennakoon, Dinesh Kankanamge, Kanishka Senarath, Zehra Fasih, Ajith Karunarathne. Statins Perturb Gβγ Signaling and Cell Behavior in a Gγ Subtype Dependent Manner. Molecular Pharmacology, 2019; 95 (4): 361 DOI: 10.1124/mol.118.114710

  3. Valery1957

    Valery1957 Famous Member

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Practicing medicine in:
    Science News
    from research organizations

    Statins have low risk of side effects
    December 10, 2018
    American Heart Association
    Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are associated with a low risk of side effects. The benefits of statin therapy for most people outweigh the risks.
    Materials provided by American Heart Association. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Connie B. Newman et al. Statin Safety and Associated Adverse Events: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 2018 DOI: 10.1161/ATV.0000000000000073

  4. Valery1957

    Valery1957 Famous Member

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Statins are more effective for those who follow the Mediterranean diet
    December 21, 2018
    Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed I.R.C.C.S.
    For those who have already had a heart attack or a stroke, the combination of statins and Mediterranean Diet appears to be the most effective choice to reduce the risk of mortality, especially from cardiovascular causes.
    Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed I.R.C.C.S.. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Marialaura Bonaccio, Augusto Di Castelnuovo, Simona Costanzo, Mariarosaria Persichillo, Amalia De Curtis, Chiara Cerletti, Maria Benedetta Donati, Giovanni de Gaetano, Licia Iacoviello. Interaction between Mediterranean diet and statins on mortality risk in patients with cardiovascular disease: Findings from the Moli-sani Study. International Journal of Cardiology, 2018; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2018.11.117

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