Obesity has become a major problem worldwide. This excess body fat places an individual at a greater risk. As the circumstances around the world differ regularly, the health organizations concern has shifted from the infectious diseases to obesity and overweight. According to a report by The World Health Organization, obesity is placed at the top of public health agenda as the major modifiable risk factor for life style related diseases. Regarding the national nutritional survey, the prevalence of obesity and overweight has been raised specially in the age group between 20 and 29 years. Obesity is a major factor that contributes to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoarthritis, stroke, sleep apnea and many types of cancer. Obesity has also been noted it decreases the rank of productivity of the countries by limiting the life expectancy of the individual. In the past, this problem was facing the developed countries but recently it became a problem of the developing countries as well. The percentage of overweight and obesity is increasing particularly among medical professional at a much higher rate than the general population, which seems to be a very distressing issue as they are the role model for the rest of the community. Several studies were carried out to determine the relation between med school and obesity to sum up the factors and causes of the observed phenomenon to improve med students’ health and the prevention of chronic diseases caused by obesity. It was found that 14.5% of the students were overweight with a negative attitude that no one has considered to do something about it. We all know that learning in medical school is a like drinking from fire hydrant. We have to memorize too much information during small amount of time, so no one has the time for his own life style modification. Stress, Eating fast food, snacks at college between lectures, lack of exercise, low social economic status and positive family history of obesity are all factors that can contribute towards overweight. There are too many different ideas that can help us, we can replace fast food by homemade meals, decrease sugar intake, and ride a bike to college instead of cars. No doubt that stress is the most common and the least modifiable risk factor of all of them, the amount of material to be memorized; feelings of guilt, social withdrawal cannot be easily controlled. Being aware of the psychological impact of this seems to be the first step towards relieving the stress. Medical students need a regular psychiatric assessment so they can overcome their possible anxiety. Many faculties around the world has already a psychiatric clinic at the campus, this accompanied by a healthy food, getting enough sleep at night, meditation, regular exercise and trying different social activities in addition to studying would make a very promising life style for a medical student. In general, the minimal education of basic nutrition and life style modification should be obtained as a must read curriculum.