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Top 50 Websites Offering Paid Surveys for Doctors

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bruno, May 16, 2024.

  1. Bruno

    Bruno Famous Member

    Nov 10, 2013
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    Engaging in paid surveys is an excellent way for doctors to supplement their income and contribute to advancements in the medical field. These surveys often provide valuable insights to pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and healthcare organizations. Here is a comprehensive list of the top 50 websites offering paid surveys for doctors:

    1- SERMO

    SERMO is a renowned platform that combines a social network for physicians with paid survey opportunities. Doctors can engage in discussions and earn money by participating in surveys.
    SERMO is widely recognized as the leading platform for paid surveys specifically tailored for physicians. Combining a robust social network with market research opportunities, SERMO provides a unique space where doctors can earn significant compensation by sharing their expert opinions.
    SERMO offers a diverse range of surveys, from quick polls to in-depth studies, covering a broad spectrum of medical topics. The platform pays doctors over $16 million annually, reflecting the high demand and value of their insights.

    2- FacMedicine

    FacMedicine is the largest forum on the web for verified doctors with +60 million visitors and 1.5 million Facebook followers.
    FacMedicine offers paid surveys for doctors, especially those practicing in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, providing them with a unique opportunity for extra income.

    3- M3 Global Research

    M3 Global Research connects healthcare professionals with various market research opportunities, including surveys, interviews, and focus groups.

    4- InCrowd

    InCrowd specializes in micro-surveys that are quick to complete, offering compensation for healthcare professionals' insights within minutes.

    5- MDLinx

    MDLinx offers medical news and resources along with paid survey opportunities specifically tailored for doctors.

    6- Medscape

    Medscape provides medical news, education, and occasional paid surveys for healthcare professionals.

    7- Physician’s Weekly

    Physician’s Weekly partners with market research firms to offer paid surveys to doctors, providing additional income opportunities.

    8- Curizon

    Curizon connects healthcare professionals with survey opportunities, ensuring that doctors can earn by sharing their expertise.

    9- Vindico Medical Education

    Vindico Medical Education offers paid surveys and market research opportunities, focusing on continuing medical education and professional insights.

    10- HealthiVibe

    HealthiVibe conducts market research with healthcare professionals to gather insights that improve healthcare solutions and patient care.

    11- Surveys on the Go

    Surveys on the Go offers mobile-friendly surveys for doctors, providing quick compensation for their participation.

    12- ZoomRx

    ZoomRx focuses on healthcare market research, offering paid survey opportunities specifically for medical professionals.

    13- Global Medical Panel

    Global Medical Panel is part of the Borderless Access network, providing paid survey opportunities for healthcare professionals.

    14- MedSurvey

    MedSurvey specializes in healthcare market research, offering paid surveys to doctors for their expert opinions.

    15- All Global Circle

    All Global Circle provides paid survey opportunities for healthcare professionals, focusing on various medical specialties.

    16- Medefield

    Medefield offers market research surveys for doctors, allowing them to share their insights and earn compensation.

    17- is a UK-based professional network for doctors, offering paid surveys and research opportunities in addition to other services.

    18- PanelPolls Medical Research

    PanelPolls offers surveys and market research opportunities specifically designed for healthcare professionals.

    19- GLocalMind

    GLocalMind connects healthcare professionals with market research surveys, ensuring that doctors can share their insights and receive compensation.

    20- Professional Research

    Professional Research focuses on market research surveys for doctors, offering paid opportunities to participate in studies.

    21- Survey Healthcare Global

    Survey Healthcare Global provides paid survey opportunities for healthcare professionals, leveraging their insights to improve healthcare products and services.

    22- Pinnacle Research Group

    Pinnacle Research Group offers paid survey opportunities for healthcare professionals, focusing on diverse medical topics.

    23- Branded Research

    Branded Research conducts market research surveys for doctors, providing compensation for their valuable insights.

    24- Rare Patient Voice

    Rare Patient Voice connects doctors with patients who have rare diseases and offers paid surveys to gather insights for research and treatment development.

    25- MedPanel

    MedPanel provides market research opportunities for doctors, offering compensation for their expert opinions on various medical topics.

    26- QuestionPro

    QuestionPro offers a platform for healthcare professionals to participate in paid surveys and provide feedback on medical products and services.

    27- Ipsos Healthcare

    Ipsos Healthcare conducts surveys and market research studies, offering compensation to doctors for their participation.

    28- Cint Panel Exchange

    Cint Panel Exchange connects healthcare professionals with paid survey opportunities from various research firms.

    29- Toluna Healthcare

    Toluna Healthcare provides paid surveys to doctors, allowing them to share their opinions on medical topics and earn money.

    30- Lightspeed Health

    Lightspeed Health specializes in healthcare market research, offering paid surveys and studies for doctors.

    31- Dynata Health

    Dynata Health offers paid survey opportunities for healthcare professionals, focusing on a wide range of medical topics.

    32- Global Data Solutions

    Global Data Solutions connects doctors with market research surveys, providing compensation for their insights and expertise.

    33- Plaza Research

    Plaza Research offers paid survey opportunities for doctors, focusing on various medical specialties and research needs.

    34- InSites Consulting

    InSites Consulting provides healthcare professionals with paid survey opportunities, helping to shape the future of medical products and services.

    35- Focus Forward

    Focus Forward offers market research surveys and focus groups for doctors, providing compensation for their valuable insights.

    36- ThinkGen

    ThinkGen specializes in healthcare market research, offering paid surveys for doctors to share their expertise on various medical topics.

    37- Raremark

    Raremark connects healthcare professionals with survey opportunities focusing on rare diseases, providing compensation for their insights.

    38- E-Poll Medical

    E-Poll Medical conducts surveys for healthcare professionals, offering paid opportunities to share their opinions and expertise.

    39- Survata Healthcare

    Survata Healthcare provides paid survey opportunities for doctors, focusing on market research and product development.

    40- Schlesinger Group

    Schlesinger Group offers market research studies and surveys for healthcare professionals, providing compensation for their participation.

    41- Recruit & Field

    Recruit & Field connects doctors with paid survey opportunities, focusing on diverse medical research topics.

    42- Fieldwork

    Fieldwork specializes in healthcare market research, offering paid surveys and focus groups for doctors.

    43- GreenBook

    GreenBook provides healthcare professionals with paid survey opportunities, focusing on market research and industry insights.

    44- Medical Research Consultants

    Medical Research Consultants offers paid survey opportunities for doctors, focusing on various medical and healthcare topics.

    45- PRA Health Sciences

    PRA Health Sciences conducts market research surveys for healthcare professionals, offering compensation for their insights.

    46- Precision Research

    Precision Research provides paid survey opportunities for doctors, focusing on healthcare and medical research.

    47- Blueprint Research Group

    Blueprint Research Group offers paid surveys for healthcare professionals, gathering valuable insights for medical product development.

    48- Just Worldwide

    Just Worldwide specializes in healthcare market research, offering paid surveys for doctors and other healthcare professionals.

    49- Nielsen Healthcare

    Nielsen Healthcare conducts surveys and market research studies, offering compensation to doctors for their participation.

    50- TranscriptionWing Healthcare

    TranscriptionWing Healthcare offers paid survey opportunities for doctors, focusing on market research and product feedback.


    Parfticipating in paid surveys offers doctors a flexible and rewarding way to supplement their income while contributing valuable insights to the healthcare industry. By leveraging these top 50 websites, doctors can find a variety of survey opportunities tailored to their expertise and interests, ensuring that their professional opinions help shape the future of medical research and patient care. Whether through quick micro-surveys or in-depth market research studies, these platforms provide doctors with numerous avenues to engage and earn. Finally I would recommend SERMO as the best online website currently that offers paid surveys for doctors, register here for free.


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