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Top Makeup Tips for Female Doctors

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Oct 4, 2019.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Lady Doctors, we know how precious your time is. We also know how serious you take your grooming which is just as important to your patients as it is to your confidence. Applying the right makeup can be a challenge to anyone. Think of our lady doctors who often have too much already in their hands to handle a makeup gone wrong. It could be too much of it or entirely a wrong choice. One way or another, things will not always work the right way.

    That's why we've put together a few tips you need to have in mind as a female medical practitioner. A crucial guide every time you've to apply your makeup before you scurry off in the direction of your lifesaving calling.

    Do moderate makeups

    Most important is learning not to overdo your makeup so you don't look more of a starved party girl than a medical doctor. All you need is a hint of colour to achieve a lively look.

    Keep your eye shadow barely noticeable

    Neutral tone or earth tone palettes will pretty much do the job. Use pale beige or vanilla colours if your eyelids are darker, or deep beige if yours are light or fair eyelids.

    Use your makeup brush to apply foundation

    Applying foundation becomes easier when you use a makeup brush. A makeup brush will also help blend the foundation with your skin tone rather efficiently. Use upward strokes when applying your foundation to avoid those sagging, fine lines which may otherwise develop over time.

    Eyeliner and mascara will stand out your eyes

    Apply eyeliner to give your eyes a rounder look. Use darker brown shades to soften the effect and create a more professional touch. Mascara needs to be waterproof. Do not overdo mascara so that your makeup stays light.

    How to conceal your eye bags

    Your eyes bags become less noticeable with one simple trick: start by highlighting the crease then do a dark shade foundation to disguise those eyes bags.

    Your blush-on is important

    One reason you will skip applying blush-on is that it fades away all too easily. Most important, however, is how blush-on keeps you alert and glowing. Apply a neutral rose palette if yours is a fair complexion. Brown-berry, on the other hand, works best with a darker complexion.

    A sweep of loose powder solves the eyeliner melting problem

    Eyeliner can melt due to activity and sweating. It gets unsightly if your eyeliner is always tracing its way down your cheeks. The loose powder acts as a barrier when you apply it under the eyeliner of the bottom eyelid.

    It's never a requirement to wear makeup for doctors. However, makeup well in place added to a matching outfit and a fitting hairstyle take your confidence to a whole new level.


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