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US Criticised For Hoarding World's Supply Of Coronavirus Drug Remdesivir

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mahmoud Abudeif, Jul 2, 2020.

  1. Mahmoud Abudeif

    Mahmoud Abudeif Golden Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Health experts have slammed the United States for hoarding almost all of the world's supply of remdesivir, the only drug licensed so far to treat COVID-19, warning that type of selfish behaviour sets a dangerous precedent for attempts to share scarce treatments amid the pandemic.


    The US Government announced on Tuesday that President Donald Trump had struck "an amazing deal" to buy the drug made by Gilead Sciences, for Americans.

    The Department of Health and Human Services said Mr Trump had secured 500,000 treatments of the drug through September, representing 100 per cent of Gilead's July production capacity and 90 per cent of its capacity in August and September.

    A spokesperson for Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said Australia's national stockpiles of remdesivir were "sufficient" and the US decision would not impact supply.

    "Australia currently has sufficient supply of remdesivir to meet current patient needs on the basis of our expert medical advice," the spokesperson said.

    "The Australian Government has received from Gilead a donated supply … which will be available for use in eligible patients prescribed by a medical practitioner.

    "The Government welcomes the donation of remdesivir to the National Medical Stockpile from Gilead."

    The spokesperson said the current Australian health advice for the drug was that it "may be considered" for use in adults with moderate, severe or critical cases of COVID-19.

    Thomas Senderovitz, head of the Danish Medicines Agency, told Danish broadcaster DR that the move could endanger Europeans and others down the road.

    Remdesivir is a broad-spectrum antiviral drug designed to disable the mechanism by which some viruses make copies of themselves.

    Early trials testing the drug in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 found that those who received it recovered quicker than those who didn't.

    It is the only drug licensed by both the US and the European Union as a treatment for those with severe illness from coronavirus.

    Ohid Yaqub, a senior lecturer at the University of Sussex in the UK called the news of the US buyout "disappointing".

    "It so clearly signals an unwillingness to cooperate with other countries and the chilling effect this has on international agreements about intellectual property rights," Dr Yaqub said in a statement.

    Peter Horby, who is running a large clinical trial testing several treatments for COVID-19, told the BBC that "a stronger framework" was needed to ensure fair prices and access to key medicines for people and nations around the world.

    Dr Horby said that as an American company, Gilead was likely under "certain political pressures locally".

    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's spokesman, James Slack, declined to criticise the US for the move, but said the UK had a stockpile of remdesivir.

    "The UK has been using remdesivir for some time, first in trials and now in the 'Early Access to Medicines Scheme,'" Mr Stack said.

    He added that Britain had a "sufficient stock" of remdesivir for patients who need it, but didn't specify how much that was.

    Germany has 'sufficient reserves'

    Germany had secured enough supplies for now but was banking on developer Gilead to meet future needs, the country's Health Ministry said on Wednesday.

    "The Federal Government has early on secured remdesivir for the treatment of coronavirus patients. Currently, there are still sufficient reserves," Germany's Health Ministry told Reuters in a written statement.

    With a conditional market approval, which is expected to be issued by the EU Commission this week, comes an obligation to deliver sufficient quantities in the future, it added.

    "We trust Gilead will meet this obligation," the ministry said.

    Gilead has linked up with generic drug-makers based in India and Pakistan to supply remdesivir in 127 developing countries, but it has not discussed its supply strategy for developed nations outside the US.

    The US has the worst outbreak in the world, with 2.6 million reported infected and 127,000 confirmed virus-related deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

    Top US infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci told senators on Tuesday that the US outbreak was "going in the wrong direction" and he feared the country could see 100,000 new infections a day if things didn't improve.


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