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Weight Loss Surgeries

Discussion in 'Dietetics' started by Egyptian Doctor, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    What is Weight Loss Surgery?

    Weight loss surgery, or bariatric surgery, has become a leading treatment of obesity in the world. If you have tried to lose significant amounts of weight repeatedly and failed, a weight loss surgery (WLS) may be an option. When complemented with dietary changes, exercise and counseling, weight loss surgeries allow a patient to lose pounds and maintain a healthful weight.

    In addition to the normal complications and General Risks of Surgery, weight loss surgeries present their own unique set of complications and side effects so you have to read more about the risks of weight loss surgeries before you make a decision.

    The Cost of Weight Loss Surgery

    The cost of weight loss surgery varies from surgeon to surgeon. It can range from $15,000 to over $40,000 in USA , if the surgery is successful and there are no complications. If your insurance pays for this type of surgery, you will need to be pre-approved, a process that requires input from both your surgeon and your primary care physician to document your need for surgery. The process is typically initiated when you have your initial consultation with your surgeon.

    Paying For Weight Loss Surgery

    If you are paying for weight loss surgery yourself, be aware that the surgeon’s fees are only a portion of the total cost. There are additional fees for blood tests, X-rays, anesthesia, nursing care, medications and many other types of care.

    Types of Weight Loss Surgeries

    Malabsorptive Weight Loss Surgeries Commonly referred to as gastric bypass or metabolic surgeries, these procedures partially bypass the small intestine, limiting the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. The unprocessed food passes through the body as feces while the decrease in calories causes weight loss.

    Restrictive Weight Loss Surgeries These procedures work by making you feel full with far less food. Since you feel full more quickly, your total intake of calories is lower, resulting in weight loss.

    Mixed Weight Loss Surgeries
    These procedures combine elements of malabsorptive and restrictive procedures to make you feel full more quickly and reduce the number of calories your body is able to utilize from the food you eat.



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